Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Ends on 11 November 2024 (26 days remaining)

APPENDIX N – Superseded Policies and Plans

Policies of the Black Country Core Strategy (2011) and the Sandwell Site Allocations and Delivery Document (2012) Superseded by the Sandwell Local Plan


Black Country Core Strategy (2011)

Sandwell Site Allocations and Delivery Document (2012)

Proposed Sandwell Local Plan Policy




New Vision, Spatial Strategy and Objectives




Spatial Strategy and objectives



Spatial Strategy

CSP1 The Growth Network

No equivalent

Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Policy SDS7 – Sandwell's Green Belt

CSP2 – Development Outside the Growth Network

No equivalent

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas

CSP3 Environmental Infrastructure

SAD EOS 5 - Environmental Infrastructure

Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

CSP4 Place Making

SAD EOS 9 - Urban Design Principles

Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places

Policy SDS6 - Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience

CSP5 Transport Strategy

No equivalent

Policy STR1 – Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

GB1 – The Black Country Green Belt

SAD EOS 2 - Green Belt

Policy SDS7 – Sandwell's Green Belt

GB2 – Extensions and Replacement Buildings in the Green Belt

SAD EOS 2 - Green Belt

Policy SDS7 – Sandwell's Green Belt

Infrastructure & Delivery

DEL1 – Infrastructure Provision

No equivalent

Policy SID1 – Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

DEL2 – Balance between employment land and housing

Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Policy SHO1 - Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

Policy SEC1 – Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs


HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

SAD H1 - Housing Allocations

Policy SHO1 - Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

HOU2 – Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

No equivalent

Policy SHO3 - Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

HOU3 – Delivering Affordable Housing

SAD H3 – Affordable Housing

Policy SHO4 - Affordable Housing

SAD H4 – Housing for People with Specific Needs

Policy SHO5 - Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

Policy SHO10 - Housing for people with specific needs

HOU4 – Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Show People

No equivalent

Policy SHO9 – Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

HOU5 – Education Facilities

No equivalent

Policy SHO8 – Education Facilities

No equivalent

SAD H2 – Housing Windfalls

Policy SHO2 – Windfall developments

The Borough Economy

EMP1 Providing for Economic Growth

SAD EMP 1 – Employment Land Development Sites

Policy SEC1 – Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs

EMP2 Actual and Potential Strategic High Quality Employment Areas

SAD EMP 1 - Employment Land Development Sites

Policy SEC2 – Strategic Employment Areas

EMP3 Local Quality Employment Areas

Policy SEC3 – Local Employment Areas

EMP4 Maintaining a Supply of Readily Available Employment Land

Policy SEC4 – Other Employment Sites

EMP5 – Improving Access to the Labour Market

SAD EMP 2 – Training & Recruitment

Policy SEC5 – Improving Access to the Labour Market

EMP6 Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

No equivalent

Policy SDS6 - Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

No equivalent

SAD EMP 3 – Design of New Waste Management Facilities

Policy SWA4 – Locational Considerations for New Waste Facilities

SAD EMP 4 – Relationship between Industry and sensitive Uses

Policy SEC6 – Relationship between Industry and Sensitive Uses

The Borough's Centres

CEN1 The Importance of the Black Country Centres for the Regeneration Strategy

SAD CEN 1 – Non-retail Uses in Town Centres

Policy SCE1 - Sandwell's Centres

Policy SCE3 - Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

CEN2 Hierarchy of Centres 98

No equivalent

Policy SCE3 - Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

Policy SCE4 - District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

CEN3 Growth in the Strategic Centres 102

SAD CEN 1 - Non Retail uses in Town Centres

West Bromwich

Policy SCE2 - Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

CEN4 Regeneration of Town Centres 105

SAD CEN 1 - Non Retail uses in Town Centres

Policy SCE3 - Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

Policy SCE2 - Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

Town Centre Profiles

CEN5 District and Local Centres 108

SAD CEN 1 – Non-retail Uses in Town Centres

Policy SCE4 - District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

Town Centre Profiles

CEN6 Meeting Local Needs for Shopping and Services 109

SAD CEN 1 – Non-retail Uses in Town Centres

Policy SCE4 - District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

Policy SCE5 - Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in Centres

Town Centre Profiles

CEN7 Controlling Out-of-Centre Development 111

No equivalent

Policy SCE6 - Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

CEN8 Car Parking in Centres

SAD TRAN 3 - Car Parking

Town Centre Profiles, Policy STR8 and appendix L

Town Centre Insets

No equivalent

West Bromwich Masterplan and SAD Regen Corridors

West Bromwich chapter

Town Centre Profiles


TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

SAD TRAN 2 - Road Improvement

Policy STR1 – Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Policy STR2 – Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network (KRN)

Policy STR7 – Network Management

TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development 122

SAD TRAN 2 - Road Improvement

Policy STR3 – Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

TRAN3 The Efficient Movement of Freight 123

No equivalent

Policy STR4 – The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

TRAN4 Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and for Walking 127

Policy STR5 – Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

TRAN5 Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

Policy STR6 – Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

No equivalent

SAD TRAN 1 - Hackney Carriages / Private Hire Vehicles

No equivalent

Environmental Transformation and Climate Change

ENV1 Nature Conservation

SAD EOS 5 - Environmental Infrastructure

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Policy SNE2 – Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

ENV2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

SAD HE 1 - Listed Buildings

SAD HE 2 - Conservation Areas

SAD HE 3 - Buildings and Structures of Local Historic / Architectural Importance

SAD HE 4 - Registered Parks and Gardens and other undesignated green spaces

SAD HE 5 - Archaeology & Development Proposals

SAD HE 6– Areas of Townscape Value

Policy SHE1 – Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

Policy SHE2 – Development in the Historic Environment

Policy SHE3 – Locally Listed Buildings

Policy SHE4 - Archaeology

Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places

ENV3 Design Quality

SAD EOS 9 - Urban Design Principles

SAD EOS 10 - Design Quality & Environmental Standards

Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places

Policy SDM1 – Design Quality

Policy SDM2 – Development and Design Standards 380

ENV4 Canals

SAD EOS 8 - Water Sports and Recreation Uses

SAD DM 7 - Residential Moorings

Policy SNE6 – Canals

ENV5 Flood Risk, Sustainable Drainage Systems and Urban Heat Island

No equivalent

Policy SCC1 – Energy Infrastructure

Policy SCC2 – Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

Policy SCC3 – Climate-adapted Design and Construction

Policy SCC4 - Embodied carbon and waste

Policy SCC5 – Flood Risk

Policy SCC6 - Sustainable drainage

Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience

ENV6 Open Space, Sport and Recreation

SAD EOS 1 - The Green Space Hierarchy

SAD EOS 3 - Rowley Hills Strategic Open Space

SAD EOS 4 - Community Open Space

SAD EOS 6 - Allotments

SAD EOS 7 - Floodlighting, Synthetic Turf Pitches and Multi Use Games Areas

SAD EOS 8 - Water Sports and Recreation Uses

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Policy SHW5 – Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

Policy SHW6 - Allotments

ENV7 Renewable Energy

No equivalent

Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience

ENV8 Air Quality

No equivalent

Policy SHW3 – Air Quality


WM1 Sustainable Waste and Resource Management

No equivalent

Policy SWA1 – Waste Infrastructure Future Requirements

WM2 Protecting and Enhancing Existing Waste Management Capacity

Policy SWA1 – Waste Infrastructure Future Requirements

WM3 Strategic Waste Management Proposals

Policy SWA2 – Waste Sites

WM4 Locational Considerations for New Waste Management Facilities

Policy SWA4 – Locational Considerations for New Waste Facilities

WM5 Resource Management and New Development

Policy SWA3 – Preferred Areas for New Waste Facilities

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development


MIN1 Managing and Safeguarding Mineral Resources

Policy SMI1 - Minerals Safeguarding

Policy SMI2 - Managing the Effects of Mineral Development

MIN2 Production of Aggregate Minerals

Policy SMI1 - Minerals Safeguarding

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development

MIN3 Maintaining Supplies of Brick Clay

Policy SMI1 - Minerals Safeguarding

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development

MIN4 Exploitation of Other Mineral Resources

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development

MIN5 New Proposals for Mineral Development

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development

Development Constraints

No equivalent

SAD DC 1 - Areas affected by Abandoned Limestone Mines

Policy SCO3 - Land contamination and instability

SAD DC 2 - Zones Around Hazardous Installations

Policy SCO1 - Hazardous Installations and Substances

SAD DC 3 - New Developments and Hazardous Substances

Policy SCO1 - Hazardous Installations and Substances

SAD DC 4 - Pollution Control

Policy SCO2 - Pollution Control

SAD DC 5 - Land Affected by Tipped Material Generating Landfill Gas

Policy SCO3 - Land contamination and instability

SAD DC 6 - Land Affected by Contaminants, Ground Instability, Mining Legacy, Land of Unsatisfactory Load Bearing Capacity or Other Constraints

Policy SCO3 - Land contamination and instability


No equivalent

SAD TEL 1 - Telecommunications Antenna and Masts

Policy SID2 – Digital Infrastructure

Policy SID3 – 5G Network Infrastructure

Policy SID4 - Communications Infrastructure / Equipment

SAD TEL 2 - Telephone Kiosks

No equivalent

Development Management

No equivalent

SAD DM 1 - Access for Disabled People

No equivalent

SAD DM 2 - Poster Panels

Policy SDM4 - Advertisements

SAD DM 3 - Amusement Arcades

Policy SDM8 - Gambling Activities and Alternative Financial Services

SAD DM 4 - Car Parking for Disabled People and People with Mobility Difficulties

No equivalent

SAD DM 5 - The Borough's Gateways

Policy SDM3 – Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

SAD DM 6 - Community Facilities including Places of Worship and/or Religious Instruction

Policy SDM9 - Community Facilities

SAD DM 7 - Residential Moorings

Policy SNE6 – Canals

SAD DM 8 – Design and Installation of Shop Front Roller Shutters

Policy SDM5 - Shop Fronts and Roller Shutters

SAD DM 9 - Hot Food Take-Aways

Policy SDM6 - Hot Food Takeaways

SAD DM 10 - Shop Front Design

Policy SDM5 - Shop Fronts and Roller Shutters

Superseded documents



Black Country Core Strategy

Adopted SAD Policy

NEW SLP Policy

Area-based documents

Dudley Port SPD (2017)


Regen Corridor 9

CSP3 Environmental Infrastructure

CSP4 Place Making

DEL1 – Infrastructure Provision

DEL2 – Balance between employment land and housing

CEN4 Regeneration of Town Centres

CEN5 District and Local Centres

HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

HOU3 – Delivering Affordable Housing

EMP3 Local Quality Employment Areas

EMP4 Maintaining a Supply of Readily Available Employment Land

TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

TRAN5 Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

ENV1 Nature Conservation

ENV2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

ENV4 Canals

WM2 Protecting and Enhancing Existing Waste Management Capacity

SAD EOS 5: Environmental Infrastructure

SAD H1: Housing Allocations

SAD H3 – Affordable Housing

SAD EMP 1: Employment Land Development Sites

SAD CEN 1: Non Retail uses in Town Centres

SAD TRAN 2: Road Improvement

SAD EOS 5: Environmental Infrastructure

SAD HE1 – HE6 various historic environment policies

SAD EOS 8: Water Sports and Recreation Uses

SAD DM 7: Residential Moorings

Vision for Sandwell

SDS3: Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SNE1: Nature Conservation

SNE2: Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

SNE3: Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

SNE6: Canals

SHE1: Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

SHE2: Development in the Historic Environment

SHE3: Locally Listed Buildings

SHE4: Archaeology

SHO1: Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

SHO4: Affordable Housing

SHO5: Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

SHO10: Housing for people with specific needs

SEC1: Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs

SCE1: Sandwell's Centres

SCE3: Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

SWA1: Waste Infrastructure Future Requirements

Black Patch Interim Planning Statement and Masterplan (2018)


Regen Corridor 12

CSP1 The Growth Network

DEL1 Infrastructure Provision

DEL2 Balance between employment land and housing

EMP3 Local Quality Employment Areas

TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

HOU2 Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

HOU3 Delivering Affordable Housing

ENV3 Design Quality

ENV5 Flood Risk, Sustainable Drainage Systems and Urban Heat Island

ENV6 Open Space, Sport and Recreation

CSP3 Environmental Infrastructure

SAD EMP 1: Employment Land Development Sites

SAD EMP4: Relationship between Industry and sensitive Uses

SAD H1: Housing Allocations

SAD H3 – Affordable Housing

SAD H4 – Housing for People with Specific Needs

SAD EOS4 Community Open Space

SAD EOS5: Environmental Infrastructure

SAD EOS9 Urban Design Principles

SAD EOS 10: Design Quality & Environmental Standards

SAD TRAN 2: Road Improvement

Vision for Sandwell

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS3: Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SCC2: Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

SCC3: Climate-adapted Design and Construction

SCC4: Embodied carbon and waste

SHW4: Open Space and Recreation

SHW6: Allotments

SHO1: Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

SHO3: Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

SHO4: Affordable Housing

SHO5: Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

SHO10: Housing for people with specific needs

SEC3: Local Employment Areas

SEC6: Relationship between Industry and Sensitive Uses

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

STR4: The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

STR6: Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

SDM1: Design Quality

SDM2: Development and Design Standards

Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor Framework and Grove Lane Masterplan (2022)


CSP1 The Growth Network

Oldbury – West Bromwich – Smethwick Regeneration Corridor

HOU2 Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

Regen Corridor 12: Oldbury – West Bromwich – Smethwick

Area 7: Smethwick High Street and Environs

Area 8 – North Smethwick Canalside

Area 9: Cranford Street.

SAD H1– Housing Allocations

SAD CEN 1 – Non-retail Uses in Town Centres

Appendix D – Masterplans


Cape Hill Profile

SDS1: Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS3: Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS4: Towns and Local Areas

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS6: Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SNE2: Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

SNE6: Canals

SHE1: Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

SHE2: Development in the Historic Environment

SHE3: Locally Listed Buildings

SHE4: Archaeology

SHW2: Healthcare Infrastructure

SHW4: Open Space and Recreation

SHO1: Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

SHO2: Windfall developments

SHO3: Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

SHO4: Affordable Housing

SHO5: Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

SHO7: Houses in Multiple Occupation

SHO8: Education Facilities

SHO9: Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

SHO10: Housing for people with specific needs

SEC1: Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs

SEC2: Strategic Employment Areas

SEC3: Local Employment Areas

SEC4: Other Employment Sites

SEC5: Improving Access to the Labour Market

SEC6: Relationship between Industry and Sensitive Uses

SCE1: Sandwell's Centres

SCE2: Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

SCE3: Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

SCE4: District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

SCE5: Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in Centres

SCE6: Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

SID1: Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

SID2: Digital Infrastructure

SID3: 5G Network Infrastructure

SID4: Communications Infrastructure / Equipment

STR1: Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

STR2: Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

STR4: The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

STR5: Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

STR6: Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

STR8: Parking Management

STR9: Planning for Low Emission Vehicles

STR10: Transport Innovation and Digital Connectivity

SCO3: Land contamination and instability

SDM1: Design Quality

SDM2: Development and Design Standards

SDM3: Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

SDM9: Community Facilities

West Bromwich Town Centre Masterplan



CSP1 The Growth Network

HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

EMP6 Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

CEN1 The Importance of the Black Country Centres for the Regeneration Strategy

CEN2 Hierarchy of Centres

CEN3 Growth in the Strategic Centres

TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Town Centre insets

Corridor 12: Oldbury /West Bromwich /Smethwick

West Bromwich Masterplan

SAD TRAN 3: Car Parking

Appendix D – Masterplans


SWB1: West Bromwich Town Centre

SWB2: Development in West Bromwich

West Bromwich Interim Planning Statement (2022)


CSP1 The Growth Network

HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

EMP6 Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

CEN1 The Importance of the Black Country Centres for the Regeneration Strategy

CEN2 Hierarchy of Centres

CEN3 Growth in the Strategic Centres

TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Town Centre insets

Corridor 12: Oldbury / West Bromwich / Smethwick

West Bromwich Masterplan

SAD TRAN 3: Car Parking

Appendix D – Masterplans

SLP Vision

SWB1: West Bromwich Town Centre

SWB2: Development in West Bromwich

Rolfe Street Masterplan (2023)


Regeneration Corridor 12: Oldbury/ West Bromwich/ Smethwick

CSP1 The Growth Network

HOU2 Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

Corridor 12: Oldbury/ West Bromwich/ Smethwick

Appendix D – Masterplans


Appendix K

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS3: Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS4: Towns and Local AreasSDS5:

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SNE6: Canals

SHE1: Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

SHE2: Development in the Historic Environment

SHE3: Locally Listed Buildings

SHE4: Archaeology

SCC1: Energy Infrastructure

SCC2: Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

SCC3: Climate-adapted Design and Construction

SCC4: Embodied carbon and waste

SHW4: Open Space and Recreation

SCE1: Sandwell's Centres

SCE2: Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

SCE4: District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

SID1: Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

STR1: Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

STR4: The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

STR5: Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

STR6: Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

STR8: Parking Management

STR9: Planning for Low Emission Vehicles

SCO2: Pollution Control

SCO3: Land contamination and instability

Friar Park Urban Village Masterplan (2023)


No equivalent

SAD HOC8 Friar Park

No equivalent

Wednesbury Masterplan (2024)


Regeneration Corridor 8 – Hill Top – proposals:

  • Rapid transit: Wednesbury – Brierley Hill. Metro based park and ride extensions.
  • Protection of historic buildings on Wednesbury Town Centre.

TRAN3 The Efficient Movement of Freight

ENV2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

CEN2 Hierarchy of Centres

CEN3 Growth in the Strategic Centres

Regen Corridor 8

Area H8.6 – Wednesbury Town Centre

SAD TRAN 3: Car Parking

SAD HE 1: Listed Buildings

SAD HE 2: Conservation Areas

SAD HE 3: Buildings and Structures of Local Historic/Architectural Importance

SAD HE 4: Registered Parks and Gardens and other undesignated green spaces

Wednesbury Town Centre Profile

SDS1: Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS3: Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS4: Towns and Local Areas

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS6: Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SNE1: Nature Conservation

SNE2: Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

SNE3: Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

SHE1: Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

SHE2: Development in the Historic Environment

SHE3: Locally Listed Buildings

SHE4: Archaeology

SHW4: Open Space and Recreation

SHO3: Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

SEC1: Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs

SEC2: Strategic Employment Areas

SEC3: Local Employment Areas

SEC4: Other Employment Sites

SEC5: Improving Access to the Labour Market

SEC6: Relationship between Industry and Sensitive Uses:

SCE1: Sandwell's Centres

SCE2: Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

SCE3: Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

SCE4: District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

SCE5: Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in Centres

SCE6: Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

STR1: Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

STR5: Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

STR6: Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

STR8: Parking Management

SDM1: Design Quality

SDM2: Development and Design Standards

SDM3: Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

SDM4: Advertisements

SDM5: Shop Fronts and Roller Shutters

SDM6: Hot Food Takeaways

SDM7: Management of Hot Food Takeaways

SDM8: Gambling Activities and Alternative Financial Services

SDM9: Community Facilities

Given their age, issues raised in the following documents are deemed to have been addressed in previous local plans before the Sandwell Local Plan emerged:

Brades Village SPD (2006)

Grove Lane SPD (2011)

Hill Top SPD (2006)

West Bromwich Civic Quarter SPD (2011)

The Lyng SPD (2006)

Windmill Eye Neighbourhood Plan SPD (2011)

Brindley II Planning and Design Brief SPD (2007)

Eastern Gateway Masterplan



Black Country Core Strategy

Adopted SAD Policy

New SLP Policy

Topic-based documents

Cycling SPG (2004)

Extant unless cycle parking requirements are contained within LTM120

CSP1 – The Growth Network

CSP4 Place-Making

CSP5 Transport Strategy

HOU2 Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

CEN7 Controlling Out-of-Centre Development

TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

TRAN4 Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and for Walking

TRAN5 Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

ENV4 Canals

No direct equivalent

SNE6 – Canals

STR5: Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

STR6: Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

Community Safety SPG (2004)

Superseded by SLP

Prior to BCCS – Sandwell Unitary Development Plan (2004)

UD1 – General Urban Design Principles

UD3: Security and Safety

DC12 – Roller Shutters

DC14 – Shopfront Design


CSP4 Place-Making

CSP5 Transport Strategy

HOU4 Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

ENV3 Design Quality

SAD DM 2: Poster Panels

SAD DM 9: Hot Food Take-Aways

SAD DM 10 – Shop Front Design

SAD TRAN 3: Car Parking

SAD DC 1: Areas affected by Abandoned Limestone Mines

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS6: Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

SCC5 – Flood Risk

SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

SCE1: Sandwell's Centres

SCE2: Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

SCE3: Town Centres (Tier-Two centres)

SCE4: District and Local Centres (Tier-Three centres)

SCE5: Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in Centres

STR5: Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

SCO3 - Land contamination and instability

SDM1: Design Quality

Policy SDM4 - Advertisements

SDM5: Shop Fronts and Roller Shutters

SDM7: Management of Hot Food Takeaways

SDM8: Gambling Activities and Alternative Financial Services

SDM9: Community Facilities

The Preparation of Transport Assessments and Travel Plans SPD (2006)

Superseded in part by SLP policies – also requires update

CSP5 Transport Strategy

TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

Appendix 5 The Transport Assessment and Travel Plan Process

No equivalent

STR2: Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network

STR3: Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

Appendices K and L

Developing and Managing Local Lists SPD (2012)

Superseded in part by SLP policies

ENV2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

SAD HE 3: Buildings and Structures of Local Historic/Architectural Importance

SHE2: Development in the Historic Environment

SHE3: Locally Listed Buildings

Black Country Air Quality SPD (2016)

Superseded by SLP

ENV8 Air Quality

No equivalent

The following policies all have direct or indirect positive benefits for air quality in Sandwell:

SDS1 Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

SDS2 Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS3 Regeneration in Sandwell

SDS4 Towns and Local Areas

SDS5 Achieving Well designed Places

SDS6 Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

SNE6 Canals

SHW2 Health Infrastructure

SWH3 Air Quality

SWH4 Open Space and Recreation

SHW5 Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

SHO3 Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

SHO9 Education Facilities

SEC5 Improving Access to the Labour Market

SCE1 Sandwell's Centres

SCE5 Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in Centres

SCE6 Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

SWB1 West Bromwich Town Centre

SWB2 Development in West Bromwich

STR1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

STR2 Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network

STR3 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

STR4 The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

STR5 Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

STR6 Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

STR7 Network Management

STR8: Parking Management

STR9: Planning for Low Emission Vehicles

STR10: Transport Innovation and Digital Connectivity

SCO2: Pollution Control

SDM3: Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

Hot Food Takeaway SPD (2016)

Superseded by SLP

No equivalent

SAD DM 9: Hot Food Take-Aways

SHW1: Health Impact Assessments

SHW2: Healthcare Infrastructure

SDM6: Hot Food Takeaways

SDM7: Management of Hot Food Takeaways

Residential Intensification SPD (2007)

Superseded in part by SLP policies – also requires update.

To be replaced by Sandwell Design Guide on adoption

HOU1 Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

SAD H2 – Housing Windfalls

SHO2: Windfall Developments

SHO7: Houses in Multiple Occupation

Building for Life SPD (2011)

Superseded by SLP

To be replaced by Sandwell Design Guide on adoption

ENV3 Design Quality

SAD EOS 9: Urban Design Principles

SAD EOS 10: Design Quality & Environmental Standards

SAD DM 1: Access for Disabled People

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SNE2: Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

SCC1: Energy Infrastructure

SCC2: Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

SCC3: Climate-adapted Design and Construction

SCC4: Embodied carbon and waste

SCC5: Flood Risk

SCC6: Sustainable drainage

SHO5: Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

SHO10: Housing for people with specific needs

SDM1: Design Quality

SDM2: Development and Design Standards

SDM3: Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

Residential Design Guide SPD (2014)

Extant – due for review.

To be replaced by Sandwell Design Guide on adoption

ENV3 Design Quality

SAD EOS 9: Urban Design Principles

SAD EOS 10: Design Quality & Environmental Standards

SAD DM 1: Access for Disabled People

SDS2: Increasing efficiency and resilience

SDS5: Achieving Well-designed Places

SDS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

SNE2: Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

SCC1: Energy Infrastructure

SCC2: Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

SCC3: Climate-adapted Design and Construction

SCC4: Embodied carbon and waste

SCC5: Flood Risk

SCC6: Sustainable drainage

SHO5: Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

SHO10: Housing for people with specific needs

SDM1: Design Quality

SDM2: Development and Design Standards

SDM3: Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

Planning Obligations SPD (2015)

Extant – due for review

DEL1 Infrastructure Provision

No direct equivalent

SID1: Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

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