Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication
(2) APPENDIX C - Employment
Under Policy SEC2, 221 hectares of employment land will be reallocated as strategic employment land and will be safeguarded for manufacturing and logistics uses within Use Classes E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii)), B2 and B8.
Within Sandwell, high-quality employment land is concentrated in three main areas. Two of these are located around the M5 - adjacent to Junction 1 in West Bromwich and to Junction 2 in Oldbury. The third area of high-quality employment land is found along the Black Country New Road, from Tipton to Wednesbury.
Under Policy SEC3, a further 944 hectares of employment land will be reallocated as local quality employment land and will be safeguarded for manufacturing and logistics uses within Use Classes E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii)), B2 and B8. The main concentrations of local quality employment are in Oldbury, Tipton, West Bromwich and Smethwick.
In addition, there are a further 28 hectares of employment land that are not being allocated; Policy SEC4 will apply to these sites.
As well as the existing occupied employment land, it is proposed to allocate c28 hectares of vacant land for employment purposes under Policy SEC1. These proposed sites are set out below.
Employment Allocations – vacant land
Sandwell Ref |
Site Assessment Ref |
Site Name, Address |
Site Area (Ha) |
Additional comments |
SEC1-1 |
SA-0030-SAN |
Whitehall Road, Tipton |
5.3 |
SEC1-2 |
British Gas, Land off Dudley Road, Oldbury |
1.05 |
SEC1-3 |
Junction Two, Oldbury |
1.12 |
SEC1-4 |
SA-0026-SAN |
Coneygre Business Park |
7.22 |
SEC1-5 |
Site off Bilport Lane, Wednesbury |
5.29 |
The development will be developed with the following site-specific criteria: VT ROUTE TWR (001A - 016): 400Kv A strategy for responding to the NGET overhead transmission lines present within the site which demonstrates how the NGET Design Guide and Principles have been applied at the masterplanning stage and how the impact of the assets has been reduced through good design |
SEC1-6 |
Brandon Way / Albion Road |
1.54 |
SEC1-7 |
Legacy 43, Ryder Street, West Bromwich |
0.88 |
SEC1-8 |
Roway Lane, Oldbury |
3.65 |
The development will be developed with the following site-specific criteria: VT ROUTE TWR (019 - 036): 400Kv Overhead Transmission Line route: KITWELL - OCKER HILL A strategy for responding to the NGET overhead transmission lines present within the site which demonstrates how the NGET Design Guide and Principles have been applied at the masterplanning stage and how the impact of the assets has been reduced through good design. |
SM2 |
Lion Farm, Oldbury |
2.00 |
Total |
28.05 |