Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Ends on 11 November 2024 (26 days remaining)

16. Delivery, Monitoring, and Implementation

Monitoring and Review

16.1 Sandwell Council is committed to ensuring that robust monitoring of the implementation of the Sandwell Local Plan is carried out. The aim is to ensure that the Strategic Objectives of the SLP are delivered successfully so that the Vision of the borough for 2041 can be realised.

16.2 Monitoring indicators for each chapter of the Plan are set out below. Performance against the indicators will show whether the policies are performing effectively and if the Council should commence an early review of the Plan.

16.3 Performance against the indicators will also provide the Council and interested stakeholders with important data about development and land-use change within Sandwell.

Development Strategy




Policy SDS1 – Development Strategy

Policy SDS2 - Increasing Efficiency and Resilience

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas

Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places

Policy SDS6 - Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy

Policy SDS7 – Sandwell's Green Belt

Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Monitoring Indicator



SDSa – Deliver new housing and maintain provision of employment land

Minimum of 10,434 houses

Minimum of 1,221ha employment land

Plan period

SDSb - Deliver new housing and maintain provision of employment land within Regeneration Areas (including West Bromwich)

Minimum of 3,296 houses

Minimum 584ha employment land

Plan period

SDSc - Deliver new housing and maintain provision of employment land within town and local communities outside West Bromwich and the Regeneration Areas

Minimum 474 new homes

Minimum 637ha of employment land

Plan period

SDSd - Delivery of Sandwell Design Code

Adopt and implement a Design Code

by 2027

SDSe - Retention and enhancement of cultural, tourist and leisure facilities within Sandwell

No loss of cultural, tourist or leisure facilities within the borough

Plan period

SDSf - Area of green belt lost to inappropriate development


Plan period

SDSg - Prepare, adopt and implement a Green Infrastructure Strategy

Provision of a Green Infrastructure Strategy

By 2027

Sandwell's Natural and Historic Environment




Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Policy SNE2 – Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

Policy SNE3 – Provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows

Policy SNE4 - Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Policy SNE5 - The Rowley Hills

Policy SNE6 – Canals

Policy SHE1 – Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

Policy SHE2 – Development in the Historic Environment

Policy SHE3 – Locally Listed Buildings

Policy SHE4 - Archaeology

Monitoring Indicator



SNEa - Changes in areas of biodiversity importance

No reduction in designated nature conservation sites through development (SINCs, LNRs)

Plan period

No net reduction in designated nature conservation sites through development (SLINCs)

SNEb - The number of development sites achieving at least 10% Biodiversity Net Gain

All qualifying developments with planning permission delivering 10%+ BNG on- or off- site

Plan period

SNEc - Number of Biodiversity Net Gain units secured through the development management process

No target

Plan period

SNEd - Increase in tree canopy cover across Sandwell

6% increase

by 2030

SNEe - Number of development sites achieving a ratio of 3:1 replacement trees on sites where felling has taken place

85% of permissioned development involving the felling of trees on site

Plan period

SNEf - Area of ancient woodland / number of veteran trees lost

No areas of ancient woodland / no veteran trees lost in Sandwell

Plan period

SNEg - Net loss of sites with recognised geological value to development without appropriate mitigation / recording having taken place


Plan period

SNEh - Number of planning applications / appeals granted permission for development within the Rowley Hills SOS that are in contravention of the policy


Plan period

SHEa - Proportion of planning permissions granted in accordance with Historic Environment Adviser recommendations


Plan period

SHEb - Demolition of statutorily listed buildings


Plan period

SHEc - Number of planning permissions granted with outstanding objection from Conservation Officer


Plan period

SHEd - Number of locally listed buildings lost without an historical record being made


Plan period

SHEe - All requests to developers to commission further archaeological information are complied with


Plan period

Climate Change




Policy SCC1 – Energy Infrastructure

Policy SCC2 – Reducing operational carbon in new build non-residential development

Policy SCC3 – Climate-adapted Design and Construction

Policy SCC4 - Embodied carbon and waste

Policy SCC5 – Flood Risk

Policy SCC6 - Sustainable drainage

Monitoring Indicator



SCCa - Proportion of qualifying development proposals that incorporate decentralised energy provision.


Plan period

SCCb - Progress towards net zero carbon dioxide emissions borough wide

Net zero

Plan period

SCCc - Proportion of new housing and other development built within areas identified as being at risk of flooding


Plan period

SCCd - Proportion of new housing and other development proposals including sustainable drainage provision


Plan period

SCCe - Proportion of qualifying developments meeting BREEAM New Construction standards


Plan period

SCCf - Average in-use Energy Use Intensity of new buildings

Annual decrease

SCCg - Percentage of qualifying developments securing 39% on-site renewable energy generation relating to regulated energy


SCCh - Percentage of households in the borough with installed solar PV

Annual increase

SCCi - MW capacity of installed renewable electricity projects over 150kW borough wide

Annual increase

SCCj - Average annual CO2 emissions of new build development (split into regulated and unregulated) and %TER reduction for the regulated portion

Annual decrease

SCCk - Average %TER reduction delivered through energy efficiency measures

Greater reduction annually

SCCl - Percentage of households in the borough with installed heat pump

Annual increase

Health and Wellbeing in Sandwell




Policy SHW1– Health Impact Assessments

Policy SHW2 – Healthcare Infrastructure

Policy SHW3 – Air Quality

Policy SHW4– Open Space and Recreation

Policy SHW5 – Playing Fields and Sports Facilities

Policy SHW6 - Allotments

Monitoring Indicator



SHWa - Proportion of qualifying development proposals that provide health impact assessments.


Plan period

SHWb - Number of planning permissions granted with outstanding objections from the Environmental Health Team


Plan period

SHWc - Maintain or increase amount of unrestricted open space per 1,000 population

At least 3.258 ha per 1,000 population

Plan period

SHWd - Net loss of playing fields / sports facilities across Sandwell


Plan period

SHWe - Net increase in pitch provision for football / cricket / rugby to meet shortfalls set out in policy SHW5 and related appendix

No appropriate development refused

Plan period

SHWf - Net loss of allotments in Sandwell


Plan period

Sandwell's Housing




Policy SHO1 - Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

Policy SHO2 – Windfall developments

Policy SHO3 - Housing Density, Type and Accessibility

Policy SHO4 - Affordable Housing

Policy SHO5 - Delivering Accessible and Self / Custom Build Housing

Policy SHO6 - Protecting Family Housing (Use Class C3)

Policy SHO7 - Houses in Multiple Occupation

Policy SHO8 – Education Facilities

Policy SHO9 – Accommodation for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

Policy SHO10 - Housing for people with specific needs

Monitoring Indicator



SHOa - Annual Sandwell net housing completions

Phased housing targets for Sandwell as set out in Table 5: Housing Land Supply – sources

Plan period

SHOb - Net affordable units completed

25% on eligible sites

Plan period

SHOc - Proportion of new homes permitted on brownfield land

95% of new homes permitted on brownfield land

Plan period

SHOd - Net additional pitches & plots for gypsies and travellers

10 new gypsy and traveller pitches

Plan period

SHOe - Number of applications for Houses in Multiple Occupation permitted that conflict with requirements of SHO7


Plan period

SHOf - Number of school places exceeds demand


Plan period

Sandwell's Economy




Policy SEC1 – Providing for Economic Growth and Jobs

Policy SEC2 – Strategic Employment Areas

Policy SEC3 – Local Employment Areas

Policy SEC4 – Other Employment Sites

Policy SEC5 – Improving Access to the Labour Market

Policy SEC6 – Relationship between Industry and Sensitive Uses

Monitoring Indicator



SECa - Employment land completions on sites allocated through Policy SEC1



SECb - Redevelopment of employment land and premises (ha) in Strategic Employment Areas to non-employment uses.


Plan period

SECc - Employment development on land outside of Strategic and Local Employment Areas (ha)

No target

Plan period

SECd - Net change in employment floorspace (sqm)

No target

Plan period

SECe - Proportion of major planning permissions making provision for targeted recruitment or training secured through s106 Agreements, planning conditions or other mechanisms.

50% (Based on SLP target)

Plan period

Sandwell's Centres




Policy SCE1 - Sandwell's Centres

Policy SCE2 - Non-E Class Uses in Town Centres

Policy SCE3 - Town Centres (tier-two centres)

Policy SCE4 - District and Local Centres (tier-three centres)

Policy SCE5 - Provision of Small-Scale Local Facilities not in centres

Policy SCE6 - Edge of Centre and Out of Centre Development

Monitoring Indicator



SCEa - Number / amount of floorspace of applications for main town centres that are consented and completed

All planning permissions to meet policy requirements

Plan period

SCEb - Number of retail / leisure applications for edge-of-centre and out-of-centre locations submitting sequential tests


Plan period

SCEc - Number of retail / leisure applications for edge-of-centre and out-of-centre locations over 280m2 submitting impact test


Plan period

SCEd - Amount of floorspace permitted in out-of-centre locations and in conflict with SCE5 (small-scale local facilities)


Plan period

West Bromwich




Policy SWB1 - West Bromwich Town Centre

Policy SWB2 – Development in West Bromwich

Monitoring Indicator



SWBa - All planning permissions for leisure uses of 1000m2 and over to be located in West Bromwich


Plan period

SWBb - Delivery of new homes within West Bromwich

1,162 new homes (policy SWB2)

Plan period





Policy STR1 – Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Policy STR2 – Safeguarding the Development of the Key Route Network (KRN)

Policy STR3 – Managing Transport Impacts of New Development

Policy STR4 – The Efficient Movement of Freight & Logistics

Policy STR5 – Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

Policy STR6 – Influencing the Demand for Travel and Travel Choices

Policy STR7 – Network Management

Policy STR8– Parking Management

Policy STR9 – Planning for Low Emission Vehicles

Policy STR10 – Transport Innovation & Digital Connectivity

Monitoring Indicator



STRa - Delivery of key transport priority projects set out at STR1


Plan period

STRb - Average number of cyclists recorded by cycle counters within the borough

Annual increase

Plan period

STRc - Number of electric vehicle charging points

No target

Plan period

Infrastructure and Delivery




Policy SID1 – Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

Policy SID2 – Digital Infrastructure

Policy SID3 – 5G Network Infrastructure

Policy SID4 - Communications Infrastructure / Equipment

Monitoring Indicator



SIDa - Full fibre broadband coverage across the borough

The same or better than national coverage

Plan period

SIDb - 5G coverage across the borough

The same or better than national coverage

Plan period

Waste and Minerals




Policy SWA1 – Waste Infrastructure Future Requirements

Policy SWA2 – Waste Sites

Policy SWA3 – Preferred Areas for New Waste Facilities

Policy SWA4 – Locational Considerations for New Waste Facilities

Policy SWA5 – Resource Management and New Development

Policy SMI1 - Minerals Safeguarding

Policy SMI2 - Managing the Effects of Mineral Development

Monitoring Indicator



SWAa - Waste generation from different sources

Annual decrease

Plan period

SWAb - Waste management measured as % of LACW recycled / recovered per annum (DEFRA LACW Statistics)

60% of municipal waste to be recycled.

65% of municipal waste to be recycled

by 2030

by 2035

SWAc - Number of planning applications for housing development near to a Strategic Waste Site / % of proposals compliant with policy

100% of housing developments near to a strategic Waste Site to include effective measures to manage land use conflicts

Plan period

SWAd - Total number of planning applications for waste development approved; number of applications approved within the preferred areas or other retained employment areas

100% of planning permissions for waste development (excluding landfill sites) to be in preferred areas or other retained employment areas

Plan period

SWAe - Net change in waste capacity (split by management method) – significant losses in capacity / significant gains from development of new infrastructure

100% of indicative waste capacity requirements in Policy SWA3 delivered

Plan period

Development Constraints and Industrial Legacy




Policy SCO1 - Hazardous Installations and Substances

Policy SCO2 - Pollution Control

Policy SCO3 - Land contamination and instability

Monitoring Indicator



SCOa - Number of applications granted despite HSE objection relating to hazardous installations.


Plan period

Development Management




Policy SDM1 – Design Quality

Policy SDM2 – Development and Design Standards

Policy SDM3 – Tall Buildings and Gateway Sites

Policy SDM4 - Advertisements

Policy SDM5 - Shop Fronts and Roller Shutters

Policy SDM6 - Hot Food Takeaways

Policy SDM7 - Management of Hot Food Takeaways

Policy SDM8 - Gambling activities and alternative financial services

Policy SDM9 - Community Facilities

Policy SDM10 - Telecommunications

Monitoring Indicator



SDMa - Number of external roller grilles or shutters permitted within conservation areas, on listed or locally listed buildings or affecting the appearance or setting of a Heritage Asset


Plan period

SDMb - Centres with planning permission for Hot Food Takeaways that exceed the required threshold for their location


Plan period

SDMc - Centres with planning permission for gambling and related activities that exceed the required threshold for their location


Plan period

SDMd - Loss of land or premises identified as falling under Policies SEC2 and SEC3 to community or other alternative uses


Plan period

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