Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication
Search representations
- Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)
- Mr Lester Babbington
- Mr Greg Ball
- Barratt West Midlands
- Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust
- Birmingham City Council
- Bloor Homes
- Campaign to Protect Rural England West Midlands Group
- Canal and River Trust
- Churchill Living
- Mr John Davison
- Environment Agency
- FCC Environment
- Friends of Sheepwash Local Nature Reserve
- Mr Ghalam Gadair
- Holly Harrison
- Historic England
- Home Builders Federation
- Iceni Projects
- Mr Joshua James
- lichfield District Council
- McCarthy & Stone
- National Grid
- National Highways
- Natural England
- NHS Property Services
- Oldbury (Smethwick) Limited
- Miss Manisha Patel
- Mrs Peta Sams
- Mukarram Sattar
- Savills
- South Staffordshire Council
- South Staffordshire Water
- Sport England
- Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group
- TfWM
- The Coal Authority
- Vulcan Property II Limited
- Wain Estates
- Walsall Council
- West Midlands Housing Association Planning Consortium
- West Midlands Police
- West Midlands Resource Technical Advisory Body
- Woodland Trust
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