Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

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Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SNE2 – Protection and Enhancement of Wildlife Habitats

Representation ID: 1446

Received: 09/11/2024

Respondent: Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group

Representation Summary:

Please amend Policy SNE2 from "11. All major development ..." to:
"11. All developments including extensions...".
This is because Policy SNE2 and paragraph 4.27 are welcome as they support swift bricks, but the wording is currently not sound as the restriction of the requirement to major developments is not effective nor consistent with national planning policy guidance NPPG 2019 Natural Environment paragraph 023 which highlights the value of swift bricks to developments generally, and does not mention any limitation to major developments, especially important as swift bricks are excluded from BNG metric so will not be provided through that route.

Full text:

Please amend Policy SNE2 from "11. All major development ..." to:
"11. All developments including extensions...".
This is because Policy SNE2 and paragraph 4.27 are welcome as they support swift bricks, a permanent nest site provision which is supported by national planning policy guidance, but the wording is currently not sound as the restriction of the requirement to major developments is not effective nor consistent with national planning policy guidance NPPG 2019 Natural Environment paragraph 023 which highlights the value of swift bricks to developments generally, and does not mention any limitation to major developments, especially important as swift bricks are excluded from the Biodiversity Net Gain metric so will not be provided through that route.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication


Representation ID: 1447

Received: 09/11/2024

Respondent: Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group

Representation Summary:

Policy SNE2 and paragraph 4.27 are welcome as they support swift bricks, but wording is currently not sound as not effective due to one error - swallows do not use swift bricks so should be removed from the list of species.

Full text:

Policy SNE2 and paragraph 4.27 are welcome as they support swift bricks, but wording is currently not sound as not effective due to one error - swallows do not use swift bricks so should be removed from the list of species.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication


Representation ID: 1477

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group

Representation Summary:

Please amend paragraph 4.27 from "Best practice guidance on their installation and use can be found in BS 42021." to
"Best practice guidance on their installation and use should be followed, and can be found in BS 42021."
This is because paragraph 4.27 is welcome as it supports swift bricks - a permanent universal nest brick supported by national planning policy guidance, but the wording is not currently sound as it's not effective due to a lack of clarity - there must be a clear requirement to follow best practice guidance to ensure suitable numbers and locations of swift bricks.

Full text:

Please amend paragraph 4.27 from "Best practice guidance on their installation and use can be found in BS 42021." to
"Best practice guidance on their installation and use should be followed, and can be found in BS 42021."
This is because paragraph 4.27 is welcome as it supports swift bricks - a permanent universal nest brick supported by national planning policy guidance, but the wording is not currently sound as it's not effective due to a lack of clarity - there must be a clear requirement to follow best practice guidance to ensure suitable numbers and locations of swift bricks.

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