Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

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Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Vision for Sandwell

Representation ID: 1610

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Priorities and Objectives

Representation ID: 1611

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.

Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.

Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.

Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.

Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

2. Spatial Strategy

Representation ID: 1612

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Spatial Strategy

We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.

Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt

Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.

Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30)

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

Representation ID: 1613

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell

Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value;

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience

Representation ID: 1614

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Representation ID: 1615

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas

Representation ID: 1616

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas

Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Representation ID: 1617

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Representation ID: 1618

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Representation ID: 1619

Received: 12/11/2024

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Full text:

We are pleased that the Plan includes the natural environment in its long-term vision and objectives for the plan area. These are based on local characteristics and circumstances and include locally specific goals for nature recovery and enhancement, supported by policies and proposals in the plan.

We consider that as an overall strategy to guide development and allocate land the Plan should:
• Conserve and enhance the natural environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure (GI)
• make as much use as possible of previously developed or ‘brownfield’ land
• allocate land with the least environmental or amenity value.

Natural England strongly supports a number of your plans’ priorities, strategic objectives and policies including:

Objective 1: Ensure new development takes a proactive approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carbon reduction, and that development is resilient to climate change.

Objective 2: Deliver sustainable development in locations where people can access jobs and services, delivering wider positive social and economic outcomes and protecting and enhancing local built and natural environments.
Objective 3: To protect and enhance Sandwell’s natural environment, natural resources, biodiversity, wildlife corridors, geological resources, countryside and landscapes, whilst ensuring that residents have equitable access to interlinked green infrastructure.

Objective 10: To provide a built and natural environment that supports the making of healthier choices through provision for physical activity and recreation, active travel, encouraging social interaction and discouraging harmful behaviours.
Objective 11: To ensure new development and open spaces support health and wellbeing for all, reduce health inequalities and encourage active and healthy lifestyles.

Objective 12: To provide a built and natural environment that protects health and wellbeing through minimising pollution (air, noise and other forms), providing healthy homes, reducing the negative health effects of climate change and providing streets safe for active, low emission travel for all.
Objective 14: To encourage the effective and prudent use of previously developed land, including the efficient use of land and buildings and the use of sustainable and climate-aware construction techniques within new developments, as well as providing for waste management and disposal.

Objective 16: To prioritise sustainable and active travel and seek to improve transport infrastructure, to ensure efficient and sustainable accessibility within an integrated network.
Objective 18: To ensure development is supported by essential infrastructure and services and promotes safe movement and more sustainable modes of travel, through promoting greener travel networks for walking, cycling and public transport.

Spatial Strategy
We note that your authority has identified a need for 26,350 homes by 2041 and has a suitable supply of land for 10,434 with 15,916 homes unmet. We note your Duty to Co-Operate discussions have yielded an additional contribution to the Greater Birmingham and Black Country Housing Market of 4,240 of which none are currently apportioned to Sandwell. This leaves a significant remaining shortfall. There is the potential for this development to come forward in other authorities which may have knock effects on important environmental assets in those areas. As we previously

mentioned in relation to your HRA this could have impacts on sites such as Cannock Chase. A similar issue exists in relation to employment use.
Natural England is pleased to note that the Plan aims to address:
• nature conservation
• nature recovery network and biodiversity net gain
• provision, retention and protection of trees, woodlands and hedgerows
• historic character and local distinctiveness of the Black Country
• geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark
• canals
• green belt
Natural England supports the desire to prevent the loss of open and green spaces across the
district. We understand that will mean development elsewhere contributing to Sandwell’s needs but believe in the importance of access to green infrastructure and open space.
Natural England largely supports the Balanced Green Growth approach (2.29 and 2.30) Policy SDS1 – Spatial Strategy for Sandwell
Natural England supports the parts of this policy which requires new development to address access to green space including,

• increased access to green spaces;
• active and passive recreation;
• active travel; opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
• minimise and mitigate the likely effects of climate change, recognising the multifunctional benefits that open spaces, landscaping, trees, nature conservation habitats and both green and blue infrastructure can deliver in doing so;
• create new public open spaces to serve new housing developments
• protect and improve parks, woodland and tree planting, open spaces, landscapes and habitats across the borough;
• protect the openness, integrity and function of Sandwell's designated green belt by resisting inappropriate development in it;
• protect habitats and areas of ecological value;, and
• protect areas with geological and landscape value; Policy SDS2 – Increasing efficiency and resilience
Natural England supports this policy which should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Policy SDS3 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Natural England supports the desire to provide new green links squares and parks as part of the West Bromwich regeneration and the use of Garden City principles for the regeneration of Dudley Port.

Policy SDS4 – Towns and Local Areas
Natural England strongly supports the desire for an integrated and where possible, an integrated continuous network of green infrastructure and walking and cycling routes.
Policy SDS5 - Achieving Well-designed Places – Natural England supports this policy, especially with regard to the integrated and well-connected multifunctional open space network will be pursued throughout Sandwell (linking to opportunities in the wider Black Country where possible), including through the design and layout of new developments. You may wish to consider the linkages beyond the wider Black Country and consider Birmingham, Staffordshire and the wider countryside


Policy SDS8 - Green and Blue Infrastructure in Sandwell

Natural England strongly supports the desire to incorporate multi-functional green and blue and blue infrastructure. We are pleased to see that your authority has incorporated Natural England’s guidance on the delivery of green infrastructure.

Policy SNE1 Nature Conservation

4.1 The protection and improvement of Sandwell's biodiversity and geodiversity will safeguard and improve the environmental attractiveness and value of the borough for residents and visitors. At the same time, this approach will also enhance the physical and natural sustainability of communities within the conurbation in the face of climate change. Doing so will directly contribute to delivering Strategic Objective 11, which is also associated with supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of residents.

Policy SNE1 – Nature Conservation

Natural England supports all aspects of this policy. We are pleased to see the recognition of Sandwell as an important place within Britain and the Birmingham and Black Country conurbation for species movements.

We are pleased to see reference to Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). Natural England is already working with your authority on an LNRS for the West Midlands and look forward to continuing to do so. We are also pleased to see the amount of work you have undertaken with regard to Biodiversity Net Gain including potential sites for habitat creation.

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Natural England is pleased to see this policy incorporated into your plan. We welcome the element of habitat creation and the recognition that trees can have to climate change mitigation and air quality issues.

Policy SNE4 – Geodiversity and the Black Country UNESCO Global Geopark

Natural England is pleased to that your authority has recognised the importance of geodiversity and the Black Country’s important role in it

Policy SHW3 Air Quality

Natural England supports elements of this policy, especially with regard to the integration of walking, cycling and public transport provision and the provision and protection of green and open space and additional tree cover.

Policy SHW4 – Open Space and Recreation

Natural England strongly supports this policy.

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