Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Ended on the 18 December 2023
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Development and Design Standards

15.21 There are three optional national technical standards for housing, which can be adopted through planning policy. Policy SDM2 adopts two of these standards for new housing in Sandwell, covering internal space standards and water efficiency.

Policy SDM2 – Development and Design Standards

Nationally Described Space Standards

  1. New residential development (including the conversion of buildings) will be required to meet the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS)[209], except where it can be clearly evidenced that the implementation of the NDSS would cause harm to the significance of a heritage asset[210].
  2. Where NDSS are not used, development[211] should reflect National Design Guide principle H1[212] in delivering functional, healthy and sustainable homes and buildings, particularly in relation to creating healthy, comfortable and safe internal and external environments.

Water efficiency in new dwellings

  1. New residential development (including conversions from non-residential properties) and houses in multiple occupation will be required to meet the lower water efficiency standard of 110 litres per person per day, as set out in Part G2 of current Building Regulations or as identified in any successor legislation.


15.22 The Council believes that everyone has the right to a high standard of residential accommodation, with sufficient space to meet their needs. To address this, Policy SDM2 adopts the optional national space standards covering internal floor area and dimensions for key parts of the home.

15.23 The standard is modest and is generally met in most new build housing across the borough; however, in a minority of cases the standard would help to achieve better living conditions. The requirement for a minimum space standard can also add to the attractiveness of a development and increase the marketability of properties.

15.24 The standard will apply to all tenures except where national planning guidance suggests otherwise.

15.25 Evidence provided by the Sandwell Viability and Delivery Study (2021) suggests that introduction of this standard is very unlikely to impact on development viability, given the relatively modest increases in room sizes.

15.26 Introduction of the higher water efficiency standard for all new homes is justified by evidence provided in the Water Cycle Study (2020) and more recently (July 2021) by the Secretary of State's determination that Severn Trent Water's catchment (except in their Chester zone) is now considered to be an area of serious water stress for the purposes of water resources planning. This change in water stress classification adds further weight to the tighter water efficiency limit and will be enforced through the building regulations system.

[210] More specialised types of housing provision will be required to meet the relevant space standards for their typology

[211] Excluding prior notification / permitted development where new dwellings are being created – NDSS will apply in all such cases

[212] Or any succeeding guidance or legislation on design standards.

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