Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Ended on the 18 December 2023
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Locally Listed Buildings

4.125 A Local List contains details of buildings, structures or features that are not included by the Government on the statutory record of listed buildings, but which the Council believes are an important part of Sandwell's heritage. Buildings and other structures included on the Local List need not be less significant in their context than designated assets; they will have important local significance.

Policy SHE3 – Locally Listed Buildings

  1. Proposals for the alteration, extension and change of use of locally listed buildings or structures should clearly demonstrate that they will positively contribute towards the architectural or historical significance of the heritage asset.
  2. Demolition of locally listed buildings will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that no viable use can be found for the building or that the proposed development will have a substantial public benefit.
  3. When demolition of a locally-listed building is unavoidable as part of a wider development, the Council will require an appropriate level of building recording prior to demolition taking place through the imposition of planning conditions. The approved recording shall be incorporated within the Historic Environment Record.


4.126 Under the National Planning Policy Framework, the conservation of locally listed heritage assets and the contribution they make to the local area will be a material consideration in planning decisions that directly affect them or their setting. Demolition of a building in a conservation area will need planning permission.

4.127 Any works carried out to buildings on the local list should preserve or improve the building and any features of architectural or historical interest should be kept, and suitable materials used in any development affecting it.

4.128 In considering planning applications involving locally listed buildings or heritage assets, the council will consider the need to preserve their character or appearance. It will look to protect locally listed buildings and assets and will encourage owners and developers to work to find suitable alternative uses for them wherever possible.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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