Sustainability Appraisal of the Sandwell Local Plan 2024-2041

Ends on 11 November 2024 (26 days remaining)

Appendix H: Reasons for Selection and Rejection of Reasonable Alternative Sites

H.1 Selected and rejected sites

H.1.1.1 Table H.1.1 lists all reasonable alternative sites that have been evaluated throughout the SA process, and indicates which have been:

  1. Selected – i.e. the reasonable alternative sites that have been chosen as preferred sites for allocation and are set out in the Regulation 19 version of the Sandwell Local Plan (2024); or
  2. Rejected – i.e. the reasonable alternative sites that have been considered as part of the SA process but are not preferred sites for allocation in the Local Plan.

H.1.1.2 The outline reasons for selecting or rejecting each of the reasonable alternative sites, as set out in the table below, have been provided by SMBC and are reflective of the Council's consideration of the iterative SA findings as well as other evidence base information.

H.1.1.3 It should be noted that four sites which have been assessed as a reasonable alternative at the R18 stage have since been granted planning permission including sites 34, SH12, SH46 and SEC3-122/SEC3-23/SEC3-125. As such, these sites are no longer proposed to be allocated through the SLP and are no longer reasonable alternative sites. Sites 34, SH12, SH46 and SEC3-122/SEC3-23/SEC3-125 therefore do not feature in the table below.

Table H.1.1: SMBC's outline reasons for selecting and rejecting reasonable alternative sites

Site reference

Site address

Site use (as assessed in R18 SA)

Site use (as assessed in R19 SA)

Selected / rejected

SMBC's outline reason for selection / rejection


Varney Business Park, Varney Avenue, West Bromwich



Selected for employment

Site identified through BEAR process. Site assessment found the opportunity to bring the site forward for residential purposes within the plan period seems unlikely given its good connectivity, popularity and relatively low- cost rental values for small businesses.

Consequently, allocation for gypsy and traveller use is not considered appropriate.

Continued allocation for Employment use is recommended.


Zion Street, Tipton



Selected for employment

Site identified through BEAR process.

Site assessment found site not considered appropriate for residential use or gypsy and traveller site given surrounding predominantly employment uses.

Extant planning permission for a small infill storage unit on part of the site

Continued allocation for employment use recommended.


Alexandra Ind Est, Locarno Rd/ Alexandra Rd, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

Notwithstanding site constraints if the existing employment user was willing /able to relocate, residential use would be preferred in view of the proximity of local services and good transport connections.

Redevelopment for Employment use appropriate but unlikely given limited viability.

Neighbouring site has recently gained permission for employment use and is under construction. The site is fully occupied and operating well so employment allocation considered suitable.


Providence Street, Cradley Heath



Selected for employment

Site identified through BEAR process. The extent of operational uses occupying popular low-cost units, and the lack of relocation opportunities, makes an employment allocation appropriate for this site.

Although the site is well located and connected to existing facilities the realistic opportunity to redevelop the site for residential purposes seems unlikely within the plan period. The predominance of surrounding employment uses makes new residential less attractive and adverse ground conditions could also detrimentally affect viability.

Similarly, allocation of part of the site for gypsy and traveller use is also considered to be inappropriate.

The allocation for Employment use is considered to be the favoured land use allocation


Brown Lion Street



Selected for housing

Site has consent for 20 dwellings.


Brandon Way (east side)

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment;

Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

The site assessment had no red ratings and found continued allocation for Employment use would be preferred.

A small-scale housing redevelopment could be appropriate, but the main surrounding use is Employment. A continued allocation for Employment would therefore be the preferred option.


Droicon Ind Est, Portway Road



Selected for employment

Site in existing employment use and landowner has advised that they have no plans to move and will continue with existing use.


Coneygre Rd, Burnt Tree, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment;

Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

There is an opportunity for residential development of up to 100 dwellings if existing employment uses could be relocated. The site has a main road frontage, is surrounded by residential uses, with a canal frontage along its southwestern boundary. There is good pedestrian connectivity to local schools, health and shopping facilities.

An employment allocation is supportive of existing viable businesses and would safeguard against job losses.

The site is occupied and operating well so employment allocation considered suitable.


Silverthorne Lane

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment;

Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

Employment use could introduce 3000sqm of new development but is unlikely given the need to relocate several businesses and would not be appropriate in this mainly residential area. However, the site is occupied with employment uses and operating well, allocating this site for employment use would safeguard existing business, employment land and jobs.

The site area, its location close to a local centre and in a residential neighbourhood, and good transport connections provides potential for gypsy and traveller pitches. However, such a use could hamper the site coming forward and could affect land values.

NB This site includes an area of employment land where the landowner has responded in terms of retaining existing uses (ref WM78588).

The site is occupied and operating well so employment allocation considered suitable.


Site off Richmond St, West Bromwich



Selected for employment

Site identified through the BEAR process. Site assessment found there is an opportunity to redevelop the site for employment use. Housing is not a suitable use in this predominantly industrial area.

The site does not meet the criteria for Gypsy and Traveller use given the surrounding land uses and that the site exceeds the 1ha limit.

Employment is the most suitable allocation


Castle St, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment;

Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

The SAD allocation for housing is the preferred allocation but may be difficult to achieve within the plan period given the need to relocate existing businesses.

Employment allocation would support existing businesses but is not the preferred allocation

Due to existing business wanting to stay and invest, employment allocation was considered more suitable.


Land adjacent To Asda Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Site was submitted through the Call for Sites process for employment use and assessed through the EDNA process. It found that the site was potentially suitable for B2 / B8 use, subject to addressing the issues raised through the recent

refusal of a planning application for those uses.

The site was subsequently assessed for both employment and residential use.

There is an opportunity to introduce ca 60 homes on this site but overcoming access constraints is key. Access is solely available from Titford Road but previous objections from residents regarding the potential for increased use and congestion, would need to be satisfactorily addressed.

Siting of houses should safeguard existing residential amenity and the asset of the watercourse and proposed SLINC should be acknowledged.

The existing allocation for Employment use is acceptable with the caveat that a satisfactory site access from Birchley Island must be achieved, and new buildings must not detrimentally affect the amenity of existing residents by way of noise, outlook, overlooking and privacy.


Soho Triangle



Selected for employment

Site identified through the BEAR process. There is limited opportunity for either residential, employment or gypsy and traveller uses, given the very restricted site access.

The previous use as open storage of aggregate could be continued subject to the height restriction of commercial vehicles in view of the access under the rail line.


Oldfield Trading Estate, Cradley Heath

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

The allocated use of this site should take into account the proximity of EMP3-37 and EMP3-40. Combined, the three sites total ca 6ha. All of these adjoining sites are currently operational with a variety of employment uses – having previously been allocated for residential in the SAD and subsequently Employment in the BCP. Occupiers who responded to previous consultation expressed no wish to relocate.

Although the combined sites could provide a developable area for ca 240 houses the predominant existing employment uses and the lack of enthusiasm to relocate, along with the relatively poor environmental conditions, lead to a preferred allocation for Employment uses. Residential use on this site in isolation would not be preferred.


70-74 Crankhall Lane

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

Site was identified through the BEAR process and was assessed for housing and employment use.

If the existing employment operation is willing / able to relocate, the preferred land use allocation would be residential. The existing 7m access road would allow a 5m carriageway and a single 1.8m footpath. The site is in a predominantly residential area and is close to open space a canal and an historic listed building – all assets which could command a high-quality housing development of ca 50 units.

Operating business on site and not indicated that willing to move.


Brymill Industrial Estate, Brown Lion St, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment

Site identified through the BEAR process.

Site is fully occupied and the businesses would need relocating if it was to be bought forward for alternative uses. Allocation for Employment use would support existing businesses within the plan period.

Site would be suitable for housing if could relocate existing businesses.

The size of the site prohibits Gypsy and Traveller use


Waterfall Lane, Cradley Heath

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

This site was identified in the BEAR and was assessed for both housing and employment use.

There is an opportunity to assemble the three adjoining sites which could accommodate up to 150 new dwellings. The mainly council owned site off Waterfall Lane could potentially be brought forward earlier. The other two sites would need existing businesses to be relocated. However, site investigations would need to be undertaken and known adverse ground conditions could seriously affect viability.

Continued allocation for Employment uses would suitable but unrealistic within the plan period.

The site is occupied and Council owned with no plans to relocate.


Hale Trading Estate, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

The site was identified in the BEAR and was assessed for housing and employment use.

The opportunity for new employment is unlikely in the short to medium term given the general popularity of these fairly modern industrial units. The size of the site could accommodate around 8000sqm of new employment space. The existing employment allocation could therefore continue.

In strict land use terms, a residential allocation would be more appropriate and could generate ca 120 dwellings. The site does not appear to be physically constrained and is in the vicinity of local services

Preferred land use allocation is residential. This could be attractive to the landowner given potentially increased land values.

The current Employment land allocation could continue given the popularity and occupation of the existing units.


Newlyn Road, Cradley Heath

Housing/ Employment


Selected for employment; Rejected for housing

The site was identified in the BEAR and was assessed for housing and employment use.

The SAD allocation for long term land use change from Employment to residential is ambitious but the preferred option. Relocation of existing businesses to achieve this is unlikely within the plan period so the BCP allocation for employment would also be consistent.

Site is operating well and in multiple ownership making relocation a major issue so allocation for employment use is preferred.


Severn Trent land off Roway Lane



Selected for employment

Site identified through Call for Sites for employment use. The EDNA work found that it was potentially suitable for B2/B8 industrial use, subject to a layout being configured to create a scheme that is deliverable and utilises as much of the site as economically possible. The current allocation for Employment use is therefore appropriate, having previously been assessed as such with an amber rating given adverse land conditions.

A residential allocation would also be appropriate, but the likelihood of adverse ground conditions could affect viability and deliverability. The need for buffer zones and additional site accesses could affect capacity.

The site is not suitable to be allocated for Gypsy and Traveller use given it exceeds 1 hectare.

Landowner submitted site for employment use.


88/90 Dudley Rd West

Housing/ Employment


Rejected for housing; Rejected for employment

This site was a residential allocation in the SAD, it was assessed for housing and employment use.

Employment allocation would support existing users but in the longer term, land use change to residential would appear to be more viable.

However, the site is no longer allocated for residential or employment use as there is no replacement available for the indoor cricket facility.


Lower High Street (Station Hotel & Dunns Site)

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

The site was identified by desktop survey.

The site to the east has been recently redeveloped for housing at a density of 50 dwellings per hectare. Residential allocation would be consistent with this land use and take advantage of the sites' location close to public transport and connectivity to local services. A similar density could be applied.

Redevelopment for employment use is considered unviable.

Residential developed is considered to be an appropriate allocation on this site.


Mill Street, Great Bridge



Selected for housing

Applications have been submitted for housing


Swan Lane, North of A41, West Bromwich



Selected for housing

Site has consent for 147 dwellings and has been implemented


The Boat Gauging House & Adjoining Land, Factory Road, Tipton



Selected for housing;

Rejected for GTTS

The site was allocated in the SAD.

The site assessment found good opportunity to introduce new residential units along with a refurbished former gauging house. Limited scope to accommodate new employment uses given site constraints.

Site size and environment for residential use would not preclude an allocation for gypsy and travellers but viability would be questionable given the extant planning permission for housing.

Residential allocation appropriate with limited scope for Gypsy and Traveller use.

Application submitted and granted consent for housing. Land owner not willing with regards to G&T use.


Alma Street, Wednesbury



Selected for housing

Site was allocated in the SAD, given that the landowner has stated that the existing site no longer meets operational demands, there is an opportunity to allocate it for residential purposes – with good prospects of bringing it forward in the short to medium term.


The Phoenix Collegiate, Friar Park Road, Wednesbury



Selected for housing

Site has consent for 84 dwellings.


Star and Garter, 252 Duchess Parade, West Bromwich



Selected for housing

Site has consent for 60 dwellings.


Tipton Conservative and Unionist Club, 64 Union St, Tipton



Selected for housing

The site is in a predominantly residential area and Planning Permission is in place. Residential development would therefore be the appropriate use. The introduction of employment uses within this residential area would not be appropriate. The site is not large enough for a gypsy/traveller site.

Site has consent for residential use.


Sandwell District & General Hospital



Selected for housing

Site has consent for 121 dwellings.


Intersection House, 110 Birmingham Road, West Brom

Housing/ Employment


Rejected for housing; Rejected for employment

The site was allocated in the BCP for employment.

The site assessment found the implementation of the planning consent for conversion of the former offices to 97 residential units would seem to maximise and optimise the opportunity presented by this site. Redevelopment at a high density would be appropriate but demolition costs could be prohibitive and would not be a sustainable solution.

The building could be reused for office use or B1 employment uses but the market and viability is questionable. Redevelopment for employments use would not be a viable option given the limited site area.

The allocation of the site for residential or employment use would be appropriate – reuse of the existing building for either use would be a more sustainable and viable option rather than redevelopment.

Site has permission for change of use to residential.


Vacant Land Off Friardale Close, School Road, Carrington Road, Wednesbury



Rejected for housing

Part of Council house programme


173 Rolfe Street, Smethwick



Rejected for housing

Site has consent and building control notice submitted


Metro House 410-416 High Street West Bromwich



Rejected for housing

Consent for conversion


Land between St Pauls Road & Tollhouse Way



Rejected for housing

Consent for alternative use


Land adjacent Compton Grange, Whiteall Road, St Annes Road, Cradley Heath



Rejected for housing

Consent for development


Crosswells Road, Langley



Rejected for housing

Council house programme


164 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich

Housing/ Employment


Rejected for housing; Rejected for employment

Consent for conversion


5 Lombard Street West Bromwich



Rejected for housing

Consent for conversion


Silverthorne Lane/ Forge Lane Cradley Heath



Selected for housing

Site was allocated in the SAD. The site is considered appropriate for residential use in accordance with the allocation. This provides the opportunity for a comprehensive residential development with adjoining sites in a highly sustainable location on the edge of the Town Centre near the railway station.

Industrial uses in this area to the west of Cradley Heath Town Centre are fading and the reintroduction of employment uses would not be appropriate as the area is transformed.

The site is too large to be allocated as a gypsy/traveller site.


Langley Maltings, Western Road, Langley



Selected for housing

The site was allocated in the SAD for housing. Residential redevelopment would be the appropriate use to continue the land use transformation in this area in accordance with the current allocation. It is considered that the long-term continuation of the low value employment uses would be detrimental to the setting of the Listed building. The site is not considered suitable for a gypsy /traveller site due to the detrimental impact of this use on the Listed building.


Macarthur Road Industrial Estate, Cradley Heath



Selected for housing

The site was allocated in the SAD for residential development. Residential development would be the appropriate use to continue the residential redevelopment of the former Woods Lane industrial estate in accordance with the Black Country Plan.

The site is currently used for employment purposes and the use could be continued. However, it is considered that this would be detrimental to the residential amenity of new residents and the aspiration for the residential transformation of the area.

The site is not considered suitable for a gypsy/traveller site due to its restricted site are


Land off Overend Road, Cradley Heath Business Park



Selected for employment

The site has permission for industrial uses, the most recent in 2017 which has now been implemented. The site is 80% occupied by industrial uses with the River Stour acting as a buffer between residential to south.

The site is allocated for local employment and given the nature of the northside of Overend Road (i.e. Predominantly industrial) residential use of this land is not appropriate and it should be safeguarded for employment.

The continued allocation of the site for employment uses is therefore recommended


Cradley Heath Factory Centre, Woods Lane, Cradley Heath



Selected for housing

The site was allocated in the SAD for residential use.

Residential development should be delivered in a comprehensive manner; otherwise, amenity issues emanating from historic uses may compromise residential use, unless sufficient mitigation between phases could be ensured.

Redevelopment of the site close to the SLINC and the River Stour should be designed sensitively but should be orientated to overlook the open space.

Redevelopment for employment uses is not considered to be appropriate given the wider strategy to achieve comprehensive residential development in this highly sustainable location.

Similarly, allocation for Gypsy and Travellers use is not considered to be appropriate as the viability of comprehensive development would be heavily constrained, and as the site exceeds 1.0 hectare


Land adj to Droicon Estate, Portway Road, Rowley Regis

Housing/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for GTTS

The site was identified through desktop survey, the site assessment found a residential allocation could allow the introduction of ca 25 units at a moderate density – creating over 50 new houses if this and the adjacent site come forward.

Landowner not willing with regards to GTTS.


STW/SMBC Land, Friar Park Road, Wednesbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

SMBC with WMCA bringing site forward for residential use. A master plan is being produced.


Perrott Street/ Kitchener Street, Black Patch, Smethwick



Selected for employment

Residential use on this site is not suitable as it would be isolated in an employment area.

Employment use is considered suitable as it could operate in isolation and is in keeping with the surrounding employment uses.


Land at Horseley Heath, Alexandra Road, and Lower Church Lane, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

The site was allocated in the BCP for housing.

The site is not currently in beneficial use. It has been allocated for housing in the Black Country Plan. Residential allocation may not be ideal on this site given the proximity of the Trading Estate, the scrapyard to the south and the anticipated ground contamination issues.

Employment allocation may be a more suitable allocation though demand may be questionable as the site has been vacant for some time. Ground conditions would remain an issue for any industrial redevelopment.

Site proposed for housing as considered suitable with mitigation.


Elbow Street, Old Hill

Housing/ Employment/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for employment; Rejected for GTTS

The site was allocated in the BCP for residential use. The site assessment found residential development would be the preferred use on this site and is a long-standing aspiration. The existing owner has expressed an interest in redevelopment for residential use so this should reduce issues with site assembly.

The continuation of the employment use in this area would not be ideal within this predominantly residential area.

The site is an ideal size for a gypsy/traveller site and is well located for local amenities. This would be a controversial use however within a relatively new residential area.

Landowner was not a willing landowner with regards to GTTS.


Dudley Road East/Brades Road

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Site was identified through the BEAR process; however further investigation found it to be a low value employment site.

The site assessment considered the site for both residential and employment use. It is next to a site allocated for local employment land and is adjacent to a SLINC and Wildlife corridor that follows the existing canal on two boundaries.

The site falls within the major consultation zone for a gas pipeline. Although the site is allocated for local employment land, subject to a new site being found for the relocation of businesses, the site is suitable for a residential development subject to a consultation with the Health and Safety Executive.


Tatbank Road, Oldbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Residential redevelopment would be appropriate in this area and would continue new development from the south in this highly sustainable location near Rood End Local Centre and Langley Green Railway Station. This use is constrained by the existing employment uses, which would need to be relocated. Existing owners have stated that they have no intention to vacate except for an "interesting proposal". In addition, there are environmental factors to overcome such as the HSE allocation and potential access/noise issues.


28-64 High Street, West Bromwich



Selected for housing

Residential development in accordance with the allocation would be the appropriate use in this sustainable location on the edge of West Bromwich Town Centre with excellent public transport links. The existing landowner has expressed interest in developing the site over the next 5-10 years but for residential /retail. The retail element out of the Town Centre may not be supported so there may be delays in site delivery. Employment development would not be supported in this residential/commercial area with poor access. The site is considered too prominent for a gypsy/traveller site and the site area is marginal.


Site between Dudley St & Victoria St, Wednesbury

Housing/ Employment

Housing/ Employment

Rejected for housing; Rejected for employment

Site was identified through desk top survey, however landowner intentions are to remain in operation for the foreseeable future.


Cokeland Place / Graingers Lane, Cradley Heath



Selected for housing

Residential redevelopment in accordance with the allocation would be an appropriate use. This would be sustainable on the edge of Cradley Heath Town Centre with excellent public transport links. The owner has confirmed that he requires a density of over 100dph to release the site which may not conform with the character of the surrounding area. The residential use may need to await the clearance and remediation of other adjoining industrial sites due to issues of noise and air quality and this could delay delivery. Retention of the employment use would not be suitable as the longer-term aspiration for the whole area to the south of Cradley Heath Town Centre is for the traditional industrial uses to be replaced with residential uses. The site is not large enough in isolation for a gypsy traveller site.


Bradleys Lane / High Street, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Residential development would be suitable should the constraints of site assembly and land contamination be overcome and could provide a significant capacity estimated at 230 dwellings. However, the nuisance use (scrapyard) has expressed interest in remaining and is a difficult site to relocate which could preclude redevelopment. Site considered suitable with mitigation


Lower City Road, Oldbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

The site is allocated in the Black Country Plan for housing development and subject to overcoming the constraints of land remediation and site assembly there is the opportunity to exploit the canalside location. This would be an appropriate use for the site and would continue the residential transformation of the area started further south off Brades Rise. However, the site is currently used for employment purposes and the retention of this use would be suitable. There has been a mixed response from landowners with one expressing an interest in continuing operations on the site and another happy for residential, this may make site assembly difficult.


Site surrounding former Post office and Telephone exchange, Horseley Heath, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

There is the opportunity to provide new comprehensive redevelopment in a highly sustainable location. The site is more likely to come forward comprehensively now that the informal open space within the site to the north has been released for development as it is no longer required for a Metro car park.


Friar Street, Wednesbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Should a suitable relocation site be identified along with financial support, there is a good opportunity to remove a non - conforming use in this mainly residential area and thereby improve local amenity. The site is well connected to local schools and services. The loss of operational employment land would be offset by the potential to introduce ca 45 new homes.


Used Car Sales site on corner of Lower Church Lane and Horseley Heath, Tipton

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

The site is allocated in the Black Country Plan for housing development and this would be the appropriate use in the surrounding area in accordance with the current allocation. However, the site is currently used for motor uses and this use could be continued. The occupier has recently obtained Planning Permission to extend the use so this intention to remain may preclude residential development in the medium term


Grafton Lodge, Grafton Road, Oldbury



Rejected for housing

Council house programme


The Corner of Great Bridge & Richmond Street South


Housing/ Employment

Rejected for employment

Site too small


Land to east of Black Lake, West Bromwich

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Residential redevelopment of this site would be appropriate despite the loss of local employment as residential redevelopment is ongoing alongside Black Lake. Site owners however are divided on their future intentions. Some have mentioned remaining for 10 years so this could have implications for the speedy delivery of the site and allocation may need to be considered. The site is currently used for local employment purposes and could be retained for this purpose though not ideal as the area is transforming for residential use


Summerton Road, Oldbury

Housing/ Employment/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for employment; Rejected for GTTS

Residential redevelopment is ongoing to the south of the canal and would be appropriate in this location. A capacity of 32 dwellings has been suggested. However, there are existing employment uses on this site and some owners have expressed interest in remaining on the site. This could delay/preclude site assembly for residential redevelopment. The existing use for employment use could be continued in this location though this is not ideal as the local area is transforming to residential use. The site meets the criteria for a gypsy /traveller facility though this would be controversial opposite a relatively new housing Estate off Brades Rise

Land owner not willing with regards to GTTS use.


Bank Street (West), Hateley Heath

Housing/ Employment/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for employment; Rejected for GTTS

The use of the site for residential purposes is considered suitable. A capacity of 43 dwellings has been suggested. The landowner has proposed residential development on the site and has confirmed that he has is willing for this to proceed on completion of the existing lease in 2024.

Industrial use would be appropriate as the site is currently used for local employment uses. However, residential use would be more appropriate as the area to the north of Church Lane is under transformation for residential purposes.

The site meets the criteria for a gypsy and traveller site though it is a prominent site on a busy road and would not be an ideal use in this location. The landowner was contacted but was not willing with regards to the site with regards to GTTS.


Wellington Road, Tipton

Housing/ Employment/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for employment; Rejected for GTTS

The redevelopment of the site for residential purposes is considered suitable within this area. The landowner is willing to relocate his business. The capacity of the site has been estimated as 31, a moderate density. The site is currently used for local employment uses and could be retained for this purpose though the existing owner has expressed interest in relocating and the surrounding area is generally residential.

The site does meet the criteria for a gypsy/traveller facility though it is a relatively prominent location. However the landowner was not willing with regards to their site being developed for GTTS


Brandhall Golf Course



Selected for housing

The site is considered suitable for residential development though the capacity is restricted by the need to overcome Policy and environmental concerns and the need to accommodate a replacement school. The development is controversial in the local area given the loss of the open space though there is no formal allocation on the majority. There may therefore be a requirement to provide a substantial park as part of any redevelopment. The Cabinet of the Council decided in November 2022 that the development should comprise 5ha of housing and a park of 27ha. This restricts the housing capacity of the site. The site is not considered suitable for industrial use within this predominantly residential area where access would need to be gained through residential Estates. In theory part of the site could be reserved for a gypsy and traveller site but it is considered that this would be detrimental to the attractiveness of this already complicated site.


Rattlechain Site Land to the north of Temple Way, Tividale



Selected for housing

It is considered that subject to the resolution of constraints of ground contamination, environmental concerns, and Policy issues the development for residential purposes would be suitable. The accommodation of these constraints which have still partly to be determined would reduce the site area for development. It is not considered appropriate to restore the historic employment use in this predominantly residential area.

Gypsy/traveller use is not suitable given the size of the site


Land between Addington Way and River Tame, Temple Way

Housing/ Employment/ GTTS


Selected for housing; Rejected for employment; Rejected for GTTS

Although there are issues with the ground conditions and historic industrial uses to overcome, the site is considered suitable for residential redevelopment. There is the potential for development with the adjoining larger site, which would provide an increased capacity and bring disused land back into beneficial use. The site is currently neglected former industrial land. Restoration of this use is not considered appropriate in this predominantly residential area.

The site is appropriate in terms of site area as a gypsy/traveller site though may be isolated. However, discussions are on going with adjoining landowners which means the site is not available for use by GTTS.


Edwin Richards Quarry, Portway Road, Rowley Regis



Selected for housing

Site has consent for residential development.


Soho Foundry



Selected for employment

There is an opportunity for new employment development (mixed use) within the site possibly using an existing access from Foundry Lane. Due regard would need to be given to the high level of statutorily protected structures within the site.

It is accepted that the future of the site is somewhat dependent on introducing a high quality, mixed use heritage led, regeneration programme. However, the proximity of established, viable, albeit low value employment uses, precludes residential development. The site is poorly connected to local services and the presence of adverse noise and air quality conditions would create a poor residential environment.

The continued allocation of this site and the wider area for employment, would protect existing businesses and prevent loss of jobs. It will also continue to accommodate relocation of displaced businesses arising from the residential land use allocation around the Rolfe Street area.

The site is not considered suitable for gypsy and traveller use as it does not meet selection criteria.


Brades Road, Oldbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

The site was identified through the Call for Sites process for residential use. The site assessment considered the site for residential use and found that the site has limited constraints that could be resolved with mitigation measures.

The site is currently a mix of residential property and commercial and poor quality vacant land; a comprehensive residential scheme could provide opportunity to address the canal frontage and improve access to the canal. The industrial land to the west is severed by the canal and there is an existing robust boundary with established trees

adjacent the works on Brades Road, which would address amenity issues. The site is partially constrained by the presence of a gas pipeline, which may impact on the density, but this is unlikely to be overly restrictive given that the

site falls within a HZE middle zone.


Chances Glassworks

Housing/ Employment


Selected for mixed use

The current proposals look to provide approximately 275 dwellings, 7,500sqm of office floor space and a 500sqm Heritage Centre on the site.

An allocation for a mix of Employment and Residential use is considered appropriate and support the plans for a Heritage led regeneration programme.


Langley Swimming Centre, Vicarage Road, Oldbury



Selected for housing

Opportunity to redevelop the site for housing – existing swimming baths no longer required since construction and opening of the Sandwell Aquatic Centre in the vicinity of this site

Site not suitable for Gypsy and Traveller Use by way of site area.

Employment use not appropriate given that this is a predominantly residential area.


North Smethwick Canalside



Selected for housing

Part of the Rolfe Street, Canalside Regeneration


Forge Put, junction Franchise Street and Beebee Ro



Selected for housing

The site is a brownfield site that is no longer in beneficial use.

Residential use would be the appropriate redevelopment on this site surrounded by residential dwellings ideally in combination with the adjoining car dealers. The ground conditions may require investigation though this is unlikely to preclude development.

Employment uses would not be appropriate in this area and the site is not large enough for a gypsy/traveller site.


Land at Birchley Island, Junction 2 of M5, Oldbury



Selected for employment

The site was submitted through the Call for Sites process for employment use and assessed through the EDNA. This found that it is potentially suitable for high quality employment space and is a site that should be prioritised for development due to its location, size and potential massing opportunity.

The site is allocated for high quality employment and has historically benefited from permission for office uses/casino/hotel uses the most recent in 2015 for a restaurant/public house use expired in October 2018. The proximity of the M5 junction 2 which is known to be a high air quality area, pollution and noise are key environmental considerations. It should be safeguarded for employment use.


Bloomfield Road Amenity Space

Housing/ Employment


Rejected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Constance Avenue Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Darbys Hill Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Lily Street Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Poppy Drive Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Timbertree Crescent Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Wylde Crescent Open Space



Rejected for housing

Site not available and not in line with spatial strategy


Land off Tanhouse Avenue, Great Barr



Selected for housing

Site submitted through the Call for Sites process for residential use. The original site assessment considered the site for residential use and found there are three red ratings for this site relating to views, loss of accessible greenspace and greenfield. This loss could be outweighed by the public benefits of development. Amber ratings relating to loss of public open space and habitat can be overcome through appropriate mitigation measures and planning conditions.

The site has since been reassessed to take account of the RSPB access road dissecting the site, the ecological survey, which indicated that the western part of the site had more ecological value. It is felt that the eastern part of the site could be developed for housing with mitigation and BNG for the loss of the SLINC be directed the western part of the site. The boundary of the Green Belt would therefore not change.


Wyndmill crescent, West Bromwich



Selected for housing

Council house programme


Site Of Former Stone Cross Neighbourhood Office



Selected for housing

Consent for residential


Evans Halshaw car showroom, Carters Green

Mixed-use (housing/ commercial)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


St Johns St, Carters Green



Selected for housing

Part of the Carters Green vision


Army Reserve, Carters Green

Mixed-use (housing/ commercial)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the Carters Green vision


Tentec, Guns Lane



Selected for housing

Consent for residential development


Providence Place/ Bratt St



Selected for housing

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


Cultural Quarter, West Bromwich

Mixed-use (housing/ food and beverage/ community/ leisure)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


Queens Square Living, West Bromwich

Mixed-use (housing/ retail/ offices/ community/ leisure)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


West Bromwich Central

Mixed-use (housing/ retail/ offices/ educational/ food and beverage/community/ leisure/ health)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


Overend Street, West Bromwich



Selected for housing

The appropriate use of the site would be residential on the edge of the Town Centre with excellent transport links. Delivery of the site will be constrained by the need to relocate the existing businesses.

Employment uses would not be appropriate on the edge of the centre with poor access.


George Street Living

Mixed-use (housing/ community/ leisure)


Selected for mixed use

Part of the West Bromwich Master Plan and Interim Statement


Grove Lane/ Cranford Street/ London Street



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Cranford Street / Heath Street / Canal



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Cape Arm Cranford Street



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Moilliett Street Park - Grove Lane masterplan



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Grove Street / MMUH / School - Grove Lane MP



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Abberley Street Grove Lane Master Plan



Selected for housing

Part of the Grove Lane Master Plan


Extension to Caravan Site, Brierley Lane, Bilston



Selected for GTTS

The site was previously considered for use as an extension to the extant GTTS on adjacent land and has now been brought forward as the BCP provided an opportunity to allocate it.


Land Between No.32 And George Betts School, West End Avenue, Smethwick



Rejected for housing

Council house programme


Hawes Lane, Rowley Regis



Rejected for housing

Council house programme


Beever Road, Great Bridge



Selected for housing

Council house programme


Former Sunlight Laundry, Stanhope Road, Smethwick



Rejected for housing

Council house programme


Thandi Coach Station, Alma Street, Smethwick



Selected for housing

Consent for residential development.


Whitehall Road, Tipton



Selected for employment

Site lies within Tennants Distribution inner zone, making it unsuitable for residential development.


Legacy 43, Ryder Street, West Bromwich



Selected for employment

The area is mainly industrial and the introduction of further employment land into the area would be acceptable.


Land at Coneygre, Newcomen Drive, Tipton



Selected for employment

Site suitable for employment use. The site was put forward as employment Call for Site submission in the BCP and assessed as part of the EDNA which found it was suitable for employment development. The site was recently granted planning permission for B2/B8 development.


Land off Brandon Way, West Bromwich



Selected for employment

It was a vacant employment site that has planning permission for B2/B8 development and part of it has now been built out for employment uses.


British Gas, Land off Dudley Road, Oldbury



Selected for employment

The mineshafts and pipe are considerable obstacles to development. The ecological condition of the site is unknown, but the presence of many semi-mature trees indicates that the site has been untouched for many years and may well now contain protected species. The immediate road network is not suitable for safe cycling.

The surrounding uses would be compatible with this site as employment land.


Site off Bilport Lane, Wednesbury



Selected for employment

This was identified in the EDNA and scored well. The site is surrounded on all sides by employment uses and therefore residential would be inappropriate.


Lion Farm Playing Fields, Oldbury

Mixed-use (including housing, employment and open space)


Selected for mixed use

The site assessment assessed found a mix of Housing and Employment was suitable – The preferred uses would be a combination of residential (ca 200 units on 4.2 ha) employment (ca 6000 sqm on 2ha) retaining 5 sports pitches with changing facilities and car parking (on 5 ha) and retaining existing woodland


Site of 30-144 Mounts Road, Wednesbury

Housing/ Employment


Selected for housing;

Rejected for employment

Decision pending planning permission for 45 homes


192-200 Dudley Road, Oldbury



Selected for housing

Submitted through Call for Sites process


Smethwick Police Station, Piddock Road, Smethwick



Selected for housing

Submitted through Call for Sites process


Windmill House, Windmill Lane, Smethwick



Selected for housing

Submitted through Call for Sites process


Wednesbury Police Station, Albert Street, Wednesbury



Selected for housing

Submitted through Call for Sites process

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