Sustainability Appraisal of the Sandwell Local Plan 2024-2041

Ends on 11 November 2024 (26 days remaining)

Appendix B: SA Framework


SA Objective

Relevant SEA Regulations topics

Decision making criteria: Will the option / proposal…

Indicators (this list is not exhaustive)


Cultural heritage: Protect, enhance and manage sites, features and areas of archaeological, historical and cultural heritage importance.

  • Cultural heritage
  1. conserve features of architectural or historic interest and, where necessary, encourage their conservation and renewal?
  2. conserve or enhance archaeological sites/remains?
  3. conserve or enhance the setting of cultural heritage assets?
  4. improve the energy efficiency of historic buildings?
  • Number and condition of historic assets on the Heritage at Risk register.
  • Developments with potential to adversely affect cultural heritage designations or areas of historic value in the SLP area.
  • Statutory and non-statutory sites in the Historic Environment Record (HER) and identified in the HLC.


Landscape: Protect, enhance and manage the character and appearance of the landscape and townscape, maintaining and strengthening local distinctiveness and sense of place.

  • Landscape
  • Cultural heritage
  1. safeguard and enhance the character of the landscape and local distinctiveness and identity?
  1. protect and enhance visual amenity, including light and noise pollution?
  2. reuse degraded landscapes/townscapes?
  3. compromise the purpose of the Green Belt e.g. will it lead to coalescence of settlements and/or urban sprawl?
  • Tranquillity rating of area.
  • Re-use of brownfield land and/or derelict buildings.
  • Developments with potential to alter existing landscape or townscape character.
  • Developments in the Green Belt which contradict with the findings of the Green Belt Study.
  • Developments in areas identified as being of 'moderate' or 'moderate-high' sensitivity in the Landscape Sensitivity Study.


Biodiversity, flora, fauna and geodiversity: Protect, enhance and manage biodiversity and geodiversity.

  • Biodiversity
  • Flora
  • Fauna
  1. maintain and enhance features and assets of nature conservation value including biodiversity and geodiversity?
  1. support positive management of local sites (SLINCs and SINCs) designated for nature conservation and geodiversity value?
  2. contribute towards wider GI networks and promote habitat connectivity?
  3. deliver biodiversity net gain?
  • Number and diversity of protected species present in the area.
  • Quality and extent of priority habitats (habitats of principle importance).
  • Area and condition of sites designated for biological and geological interest.
  • Provision and connectivity of GI.
  • Amount of biodiversity net gain provided in new developments measured using the DEFRA Biodiversity Metric.


Climate change mitigation: Minimise Sandwell's contribution to climate change.

  • Climatic factors
  1. help to reduce the per capita carbon footprint of Sandwell?
  1. encourage renewable energy generation or use of energy from renewable or low-carbon sources?
  2. promote sustainable construction principles?
  3. help to reduce reliance on private car use?
  • Carbon emissions from domestic / industrial / commercial sources.
  • Percentage of energy in the area generated from renewable sources.
  • Proximity to, and frequency of, public transport links.
  • Distance to local services and amenities.


Climate change adaptation: Plan for the anticipated levels of climate change.

  • Climatic factors
  • Soil
  • Water
  1. avoid development in areas at high risk of flooding and seek to reduce flood risk?
  1. increase the coverage and connectivity of GI?
  2. promote use of technologies and techniques to adapt to the impacts of climate change?
  3. ensure that new development is resilient to the effects of extreme weather events?
  • Number of properties at risk of flooding.
  • Area of new greenspace created per capita.
  • Area and connectivity of GI.
  • Implementation of adaptive techniques, such as SuDS and passive heating/cooling.


Natural resources: Protect and conserve natural resources.

  • Soil
  • Water
  • Material assets
  1. utilise previously developed, degraded and under-used land?
  1. lead to the loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land?
  2. lead to the loss or sterilisation of mineral resources, or affect mineral working?
  • Re-use of previously developed or brownfield land.
  • Area of potential BMV agricultural land lost to development.
  • Development within groundwater SPZs.
  • Proposed Mineral Safeguarding Area(s).


Pollution: Reduce air, soil, water and noise pollution.

  • Air
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Human health
  1. improve air quality and avoid generating further air pollution?
  1. conserve soil quality or help to remediate land affected by ground contamination?
  2. conserve and improve water quality?
  3. help to reduce noise pollution and protect sensitive receptors from existing ambient noise?
  • Number of exceedances in NO2, PM10 or PM2.5 annual mean objectives within Sandwell AQMA.
  • Development with potential to generate a significant increase in road traffic emissions or other air pollutants.
  • Area of contaminated land remediated.
  • Proximity to watercourses or groundwater receptors.
  • Ecological and chemical status of waterbodies within the SLP area and downstream.
  • Percentage change in pollution incidents.


Waste: Reduce waste generation and disposal and achieve the sustainable management of waste.

  • Population
  • Material assets
  1. encourage recycling, re-use and composting of waste?
  1. minimise and where possible eliminate generation of waste, during both construction and occupation of development?
  • Number and capacity of waste management facilities.
  • Rate of recycling and composting.
  • Management of local authority collected waste.


Transport and accessibility: Improve the efficiency of transport networks by increasing the proportion of travel by sustainable modes and by promoting policies which reduce the need to travel.

  • Climatic factors
  • Population
  • Material assets
  1. reduce the need to travel and/or reduce travel time?
  1. provide adequate means of access by a range of sustainable transport modes (i.e. walking, cycling, and public transport)?
  2. support a modal shift away from private car use?
  • Proximity and connectivity of walking and cycling links.
  • Proximity to public transport links including bus services, metro and rail.
  • Frequency of bus services.
  • Provision or expansion of public transport and active travel infrastructure.
  • Distance / travel times to place of work, local amenities and key services.


Housing: Provide affordable, environmentally sound and good quality housing for all.

  • Population
  1. provide a mix of good-quality housing, including homes that are suitable for first-time buyers?
  1. provide housing suitable for the growing elderly population?
  2. provide decent, affordable, and accessible homes?
  • Varied housing mix.
  • Percentage of dwellings delivered as affordable housing.
  • Number of extra care homes.
  • Provision of pitches and plots for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.


Equality: Reduce poverty, crime and social deprivation and secure economic inclusion.

  • Population
  • Human health
  1. eliminate unlawful discrimination, victimisation and harassment?
  1. reduce crime and the fear of crime?
  2. create safe neighbourhoods and support community cohesion?
  3. advance equality of opportunity?
  4. help to achieve life-long learning and increase learning participation and adult education?
  • Indices of Multiple Deprivation.
  • Level of qualifications e.g. number. of people with NVQ2.
  • Rates of crime.
  • Provision of and access to community facilities including libraries and local centres.
  • Provision of accessible and adaptable homes to meet the needs of the population.


Health: Safeguard and improve community health, safety and wellbeing.

  • Human health
  • Population
  1. improve sustainable access for all to health, leisure and recreational facilities?
  1. improve and enhance Sandwell's GI network?
  2. improve road safety?
  3. consider the needs of Sandwell's growing elderly population?
  • Travel time by active travel and/or public transport to healthcare facilities and services.
  • Provision and accessibility of open greenspace and GI.
  • Accessibility to sports facilities e.g. football pitches, playing fields, tennis courts and leisure centres.


Economy: Develop a dynamic, diverse and knowledge-based economy that excels in innovation with higher value, lower impact activities.

  • Population
  • Material assets
  1. improve sustainable access to employment opportunities?
  1. encourage business start-ups in the SLP area?
  2. protect and enhance the vitality and viability of existing employment and retail areas?
  3. protect and create jobs?
  • Proximity and sustainable accessibility to employment opportunities.
  • Number of residents working within Sandwell, and rates of unemployment.
  • Number of new business start-ups as a result of the development.
  • Total amount of employment land.
  • Number of vacant units in strategic centres.


Education, skills and training: Raise educational attainment and develop and maintain a skilled workforce to support long-term competitiveness.

  • Population
  1. improve sustainable access for all to education and training opportunities?
  1. encourage a diversity of education and training opportunities?
  2. Support the provision of an appropriately skilled workforce?
  • Proximity to education and training, particularly primary schools and secondary schools.
  • Provision of new education and training facilities and opportunities.
  • Accessibility of education and training facilities by public transport.
  • Capacity of local schools to meet demand from new development.
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