Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

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Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy STR4 – The Efficient Movement of Freight and Logistics

Representation ID: 1470

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)

Representation Summary:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports this policy which is broadly consistent with the Regulation 19 Dudley Local Plan (October 2024) Policy DLP70 The Movement of Freight. This ensures a consistent approach to cross boundary projects related to this topic, including the reopening of the Stourbridge-Walsall-Lichfield railway line (as referenced in the supporting justification text).

Full text:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports this policy which is broadly consistent with the Regulation 19 Dudley Local Plan (October 2024) Policy DLP70 The Movement of Freight. This ensures a consistent approach to cross boundary projects related to this topic, including the reopening of the Stourbridge-Walsall-Lichfield railway line (as referenced in the supporting justification text).


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy STR5 – Creating Coherent Networks for Cycling and Walking

Representation ID: 1471

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)

Representation Summary:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports the principle of this policy and welcomes the opportunity to continue joint working on the delivery of relevant cross boundary projects, as referenced within each authorities’ respective Infrastructure Delivery Plans (supporting documents to the Regulation 19 Local Plans of both Sandwell MBC and Dudley MBC).

Full text:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports the principle of this policy and welcomes the opportunity to continue joint working on the delivery of relevant cross boundary projects, as referenced within each authorities’ respective Infrastructure Delivery Plans (supporting documents to the Regulation 19 Local Plans of both Sandwell MBC and Dudley MBC).


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SID1 – Infrastructure Provision and Viability Assessments

Representation ID: 1473

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)

Representation Summary:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Support the policy, including the justification text (paragraphs 12.17- 12.21) that sets out the type of infrastructure to be funded and refers to the pooling of developer contributions between Sandwell MBC and other local authorities where there is a cross-boundary impact.

Note housing, employment and gypsy/traveller allocations in proximity of the Dudley borough boundary. As detailed planning applications are taken forward for sites, account will need to be taken of any cross-boundary infrastructure matters (including highways and education in particular).

Full text:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports this policy, including the justification text (paragraphs 12.17- 12.21) that sets out the type of infrastructure to be funded and refers to the pooling of developer contributions between Sandwell MBC and other local authorities where there is a cross-boundary impact.

In relation to the housing allocations (set out at Appendix B) it is noted that some of these are in proximity of the Dudley borough boundary. As detailed planning applications are taken forward for relevant sites, account will need to be taken of any cross-boundary infrastructure matters (including highways and education in particular).

There is one allocation for 10 gypsy and traveller pitches proposed near the boundary with Dudley borough (site reference SG1, Brierley Lane within Appendix B). Detailed proposals for this site via any forthcoming planning applications should take account of any cross-boundary infrastructure matters.

In respect of education, we would note that historically for cross-border flow of pupils the largest flow for Dudley MBC is with Sandwell MBC. As such Dudley MBCs education team would welcome ongoing discussions in relation to housing allocations nearby the boundary. We particularly note that the SH25 allocation at Bradley’s Lane and the various allocations around Cradley Heath are located closer to primary schools within Dudley borough than those in Sandwell.

In respect of transport, all developments exceeding 150 dwellings (as compliant with Local Transport Note LTN 1/20) at or near the Dudley MBC boundary should be considered in terms of impact on the surrounding network and subject to traffic impact assessments.

There is one employment site allocation nearby the Dudley borough boundary at Coneygre Business Park for 7.22ha (reference SEC1-4 within Appendix C). Detailed proposals for the site via any forthcoming planning applications should take account of cross-boundary infrastructure matters. This site is close to the A4123/borough boundary and depending on the nature of the development, increased traffic may impact on this key route which is currently being improved to facilitate both active travel and bus route enhancements.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Policy SWA3 – Preferred Areas for New Waste Facilities

Representation ID: 1474

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)

Representation Summary:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports the Local Plan policy as it provides cross-boundary consistency with proposals set out in the Regulation 19 Dudley Local Plan (October 2024) namely, Site M.10, Bloomfield Road, Tipton within Table 15 of the supporting justification text to the Sandwell Local Plan policy. It is informed by the most up to date shared evidence base; the Black Country Waste Study (2020). Dudley MBC supports the use of this jointly produced evidence base.

Full text:

Dudley MBC considers the policy to be sound. Dudley MBC supports the Local Plan policy as it provides cross-boundary consistency with proposals set out in the Regulation 19 Dudley Local Plan (October 2024) namely, Site M.10, Bloomfield Road, Tipton within Table 15 of the supporting justification text to the Sandwell Local Plan policy. It is informed by the most up to date shared evidence base; the Black Country Waste Study (2020). Dudley MBC supports the use of this jointly produced evidence base.


Sandwell Local Plan - Reg 19 Publication

Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 1475

Received: 11/11/2024

Respondent: Dudley MBC (Vicki Popplewell)

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Allocation reference SM2 Lion Farm- further clarification is sought that any replacement playing pitches will take account of potential cross-boundary usage, and it is considered that reference should be made to the type of employment uses proposed for clarity. Additional text should be included within the 'Further information' for the site in the Mixed Use Allocations Table.

Change suggested by respondent:

Dudley MBC consider that additional text should be added to the ‘Further information’ for the site in the Mixed Use Allocations Table to state the following:

The relocation of playing pitches to alternative sites will take account of any cross-boundary needs which are currently being served.

Dudley MBC consider that additional text should be added to the ‘Further information’ for the site in the Mixed Use Allocations Table to state the following:

The 2.3ha employment land element is for Use Classes E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii) and B2), warehousing (Use Class B8) (as per Local Plan Policy SEC1).

Full text:

Allocation Site Reference SM2- Lion Farm

Dudley MBC provided several comments at the Regulation 18 Local Plan stage in respect of this site allocation. Firstly, clarification was sought on whether the existing playing pitches were to be retained or relocated and if there were any implications for cross boundary provision given the need to protect and enhance playing pitches across the Black Country. Secondly, clarification was sought on whether the site would be used for B class employment land or other employment-related provision (as the site had been previously identified for potential retail-related provision).

The Regulation 19 Local Plan has sought to clarify the potential locations for replacement playing pitches (as set out within the ‘Further Information’ at Appendix B- Mixed Use Allocations) and the site is now included within the employment site allocations for B class uses (at Appendix C- Employment Allocations).

However, further clarification is sought from Dudley MBC that any replacement playing pitches will take account of potential cross-boundary usage, and it is considered that reference should be made to the type of employment uses proposed for clarity. The modifications proposed would ensure the Local Plan is sound in terms of being ‘justified’, ‘effective’ and ‘consistent with national planning policy’.

We would note that as part of any detailed planning applications for the site, the cumulative impacts with the nearby Edwin Richards Quarry allocation (for 626 homes) on cross-boundary infrastructure including highways should be considered.

Dudley MBC consider that additional text should be added to the ‘Further information’ for the site in the Mixed Use Allocations Table to state the following:

The relocation of playing pitches to alternative sites will take account of any cross-boundary needs which are currently being served.

Dudley MBC consider that additional text should be added to the ‘Further information’ for the site in the Mixed Use Allocations Table to state the following:

The 2.3ha employment land element is for Use Classes E(g)(ii), E(g)(iii) and B2), warehousing (Use Class B8) (as per Local Plan Policy SEC1).

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