Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

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Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SNE3 – Provision, Retention and Protection of Trees, Woodlands and Hedgerows

Representation ID: 668

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

This policy should also state that replacement trees should not be planted where they would impact on sites identified / designated as archaeologically important

Full text:

This policy should also state that replacement trees should not be planted where they would impact on sites identified / designated as archaeologically important


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

The Historic Environment

Representation ID: 669

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

I welcome the statements made under the heading "The Historic Environment"

Full text:

I welcome the statements made under the heading "The Historic Environment"


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SHE1 – Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

Representation ID: 670

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

This policy is titled Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas but parts 1, 2 and 3 of the policy then talks abouit heritage assets and their settings- heritage assets, as defined in the NPPF, include locally listed buildings and sites of archaeological interest. The wording of parts 1,2 and 3 is welcomed, but perhaps the policy was intended to specifically relate to listed buildings and conservation areas (which are designated heritage assets, along with scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens)

Full text:

This policy is titled Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas but parts 1, 2 and 3 of the policy then talks abouit heritage assets and their settings- heritage assets, as defined in the NPPF, include locally listed buildings and sites of archaeological interest. The wording of parts 1,2 and 3 is welcomed, but perhaps the policy was intended to specifically relate to listed buildings and conservation areas (which are designated heritage assets, along with scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens)


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SHE2 – Development in the Historic Environment

Representation ID: 671

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

No additional comments

Full text:

No additional comments


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SHE2 – Development in the Historic Environment

Representation ID: 672

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

It would be useful to define the Historic Environment Record here or elsewhere in the Plan.

Full text:

It would be useful to define the Historic Environment Record here or elsewhere in the Plan.


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SHE3 – Locally Listed Buildings

Representation ID: 673

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

No further comments

Full text:

No further comments


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan


Representation ID: 674

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

4.131 Should be reworded to say that "Scheduled monuments in Sandwell currently consist of:"

Full text:

4.131 Should be reworded to say that "Scheduled monuments in Sandwell currently consist of:"


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SHE4 - Archaeology

Representation ID: 675

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

4. lines 3-5 should read "....conditions of planning permissions for archaeological excavation to be undertaken prior to impact on or loss of the asset, in accordance with a written scheme of investigation to be approved by the Council, followed by analysis and publication of the results. [evaluation is the wrong term here because it refers to assessment undertaken prior to determination of a planning application]

5. This should begin "For sites with known or likely archaeological potential..." [the use of the term evaluation in this sentence is correct].

The Council must consult Historic England about the wording of this policy

Full text:

4. lines 3-5 should read "....conditions of planning permissions for archaeological excavation to be undertaken prior to impact on or loss of the asset, in accordance with a written scheme of investigation to be approved by the Council, followed by analysis and publication of the results. [evaluation is the wrong term here because it refers to assessment undertaken prior to determination of a planning application]

5. This should begin "For sites with known or likely archaeological potential..." [the use of the term evaluation in this sentence is correct].

The Council must consult Historic England about the wording of this policy


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan


Representation ID: 676

Received: 11/12/2023

Respondent: Dr Michael Hodder

Representation Summary:

4.134 this section needs rewording. It should read:
" Desk-based assessment should include the results of a search of the HER, information taken from the Heritage List for England, and any other relevant sources. It should determine the nature, extent and significance i of archaeological remains and identify the need for, and scope of, any further evaluation that might be necessary prior to consideration of development proposals".

There should be a reference in the text to Historic England Guidance and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists' standards and guidance, which define different types of archaeological work,

Full text:

4.134 this section needs rewording. It should read:
" Desk-based assessment should include the results of a search of the HER, information taken from the Heritage List for England, and any other relevant sources. It should determine the nature, extent and significance i of archaeological remains and identify the need for, and scope of, any further evaluation that might be necessary prior to consideration of development proposals".

There should be a reference in the text to Historic England Guidance and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists' standards and guidance, which define different types of archaeological work,

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