Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

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Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 756

Received: 18/12/2023

Respondent: Mr Mark Davies

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

Alongside this short summary we have submitted a representation to Sandwell's Local Plan email that provides further details.

Full text:

In relation to the Chance Glassworks Site allocated below, The Chance Heritage Trust wish to see the sensitive, heritage-led regeneration of the Chance
Glassworks Site remain a priority for Sandwell Council throughout the Local Plan process.

CHT considers that the emerging policy in this regard accords with Paragraph 122 and 190 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) by adapting the policy position to reallocate land and setting a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the heritage assets on the Chance Glassworks site, and putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation.

Alongside this short summary we have submitted a representation to Sandwell's Local Plan email that provides further details.


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Housing Allocations

Representation ID: 757

Received: 18/12/2023

Respondent: Mr Mark Davies

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

In relation to the Soho Foundry and Mint, Smethwick, it is recommended that a site specific mixed-use allocation is provided for these important and significant heritage assets, to enable the best viable use of these assets to be developed, to help secure the significant heritage regeneration aims of the Chance Heritage Trust and the removal of the site as a Local Employment Area, enabling these to come forward for a range of business, tourism, leisure and/or heritage education uses that would foster the public enjoyment of these assets. See submitted stand-along representations from the Chance Heritage Trust for further information.

Full text:

In relation to the Soho Foundry and Mint, Smethwick, it is recommended that a site specific mixed-use allocation is provided for these important and significant heritage assets, to enable the best viable use of these assets to be developed, to help secure the significant heritage regeneration aims of the Chance Heritage Trust and the removal of the site as a Local Employment Area, enabling these to come forward for a range of business, tourism, leisure and/or heritage education uses that would foster the public enjoyment of these assets. See submitted stand-along representations from the Chance Heritage Trust for further information.


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SDS2 – Regeneration in Sandwell

Representation ID: 758

Received: 18/12/2023

Respondent: Mr Mark Davies

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

In relation to the Soho Foundry and Mint, Smethwick, policy SDS2 is directly at odds with Policy SEC3. Policy SDS2 promotes “new green neighbourhoods on re-purposed employment land and accessible active travel routes” in the Smethwick to Birmingham Canal Corridor. This conflicts with the requirements for Local Employment Areas which limit the uses permitted to more traditional industrial uses and would inhibit the ability tot achieve green neighbourhoods.

Full text:

In relation to the Soho Foundry and Mint, Smethwick, policy SDS2 is directly at odds with Policy SEC3. Policy SDS2 promotes “new green neighbourhoods on re-purposed employment land and accessible active travel routes” in the Smethwick to Birmingham Canal Corridor. This conflicts with the requirements for Local Employment Areas which limit the uses permitted to more traditional industrial uses and would inhibit the ability tot achieve green neighbourhoods.


Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan

Policy SEC3 – Local Employment Areas

Representation ID: 759

Received: 18/12/2023

Respondent: Mr Mark Davies

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

A flexible and adaptive policy position to support the more appropriate regeneration approach to these heritage assets is required, in the form of a new allocation for this site. The Chance Heritage Trust therefore request that the Local Employment wash over be removed from the Soho Foundry and Mint parts of the site.

See submitted stand-alone representations for further information.

Full text:

In relation to the Soho Foundry and Mint, Smethwick, the allocation as a Local Employment Area only would be catastrophic to the regeneration of the heritage assets on the site, as it is overly restrictive, and is likely to limit the funding available to restore the significant and dilapidated heritage assets on the site.

The financial feasibility of restoring the heritage assets on the site is significantly compromised within the framework of this allocation, as it is tailored more for generic industrial spaces, trade, haulage or logistics related uses and doesn’t recognise the unique circumstances of the site. Currently, the heritage assets on the site are not in active industrial use and the restoration of the assets for these uses is not the optimal viable use, nor are these uses suitable for the existing buildings and structures on the site. This approach therefore does not accord with NPPF Chapter 16 or Paragraph 206, nor to draft Policy SHE1 which recognises the need for flexibility and exploration of alternative uses for heritage-led developments. This creates an inherent policy conflict within the Local Plan at present.

A flexible and adaptive policy position to support the more appropriate regeneration approach to these heritage assets is required, in the form of a new allocation for this site. The Chance Heritage Trust therefore request that the Local Employment wash over be removed from the Soho Foundry and Mint parts of the site.

See submitted stand-alone representations for further information.

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