Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan
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Draft Regulation 18 Sandwell Local Plan
Housing Allocations
Representation ID: 667
Received: 07/12/2023
Respondent: Mr Alexander Lane
SH18 - Friar Park, Wednesbury.
Would object to allocation as it is a SLINC.
Also surrounded by PSIs, which would need assessment against the Local Wildlife Site assessment criteria before planning permission can be granted if they're going to be affected
SH35 - Rattlechain site - land to north of Temple Way, Tividale. S
This site is a PSI and would need assessment against the Local Wildlife Site assessment criteria before planning permission can be granted
SH43 - Land off Tanhouse Avenue, Great Barr.
Site is a SLINC, adjacent to SINC. We would object to this allocation
SH18 - Friar Park, Wednesbury.
Would object to allocation as it is a SLINC.
Also surrounded by PSIs, which would need assessment against the Local Wildlife Site assessment criteria before planning permission can be granted if they're going to be affected
SH35 - Rattlechain site - land to north of Temple Way, Tividale. S
This site is a PSI and would need assessment against the Local Wildlife Site assessment criteria before planning permission can be granted
SH43 - Land off Tanhouse Avenue, Great Barr.
Site is a SLINC, adjacent to SINC. We would object to this allocation